Feng Jian Yu flushed in happiness at that praise, "It's nothing. It's the least we can do for them in giving way for my wedding to Wang Qing,"

I look at him. Feng Jian Yu already acquired some power. He doesn't even realize it. His opinion now mattered to the Queen and probably to everyone in the Palace yet he has no inclination that he had that weapon in his hand.

Naive. Stupidly naive. This one...

"Heise," I turn to look at the Queen. "Thank you again. And Baozang will glad to see you so I hope you will call on her quarters to see her before leaving."

"Yes, your Majesty. I will do just that," it was an ordered. Pleasantly spoken but still a command. See my daughter before you leave to make her happy. That is the command there.

"Dayu, stay with me and let's sort out the names of the people who sent you and Qing engagement presents. You have to write thank you notes to them and they are quite a lot," the Queen said.

Feng Jian Yu sighed and looked a bit dismayed but he nod. "I will, your Majesty."

"Excellent," The Queen turn and nod to me. I nodded back. I was being dismissed.

Before walking away, I look back to see Feng Jian Yu now standing behind the desk next to the Queen as they look at a piece of paper on top of the desk. They both has smiles on their faces.

The Queen is now showing preferential treatment to her soon to be sons in law. And there will be no doubt to anyone who can see who her favorite is.

The Crown Prince's fiance.

I left the Queen's office to seek Baozang. She is with her personal assistant and secretary. As a princess, she also has her own staff to help her. After talking to her briefly I left the Palace.

While driving back to my apartment my phone rang.

It's Shunu. She is calling me from Paris. I slowed down and park the car to the side of the road.

"Hello, Shunu..."

"I will be back soon," she said. "I will go home to China."

"Why?" I smiled because of course I know why she is going home.

My spy in Paris told me how her exhibit failed. Shunu is a failure. She will never be recognized as a true artist. Her paintings are not that good to compete with other artists in Europe. She overestimated her talent.

And she is going home because she had no other option. She had to get Crown Prince Qing back so she can at least save herself and her pride.

Stupid girl.

"I will get Qing back," is her predictable answer.

"But he is engage now..."

"I don't care. And I don't worry. Why? You will get rid of Feng Jian Yu soon enough. Right?"

She is not flinching anymore. She is not shy anymore to show her true color. She is saying what she wants and need now. She needs to get rid of Feng Jian Yu so she is showing it now by her words.

"Yes. Soon..."

"And Feng Jian Yu's bodyguard who heard your conversation with your spy?" Shunu sounded worried. "I don't want any hitch on the plan to free Qing from his fake fiance..."

"When I get rid of Feng Jian Yu, his bodyguard will not be far behind. We can easily get rid of them at the same time. Don't worry about him. And besides, when Feng Jian Yu died, like the Prince, his bodyguard will be blamed too for failing to protect him." I said confidently.

A mere bodyguard will not foil my plans to get rid of the Crown Prince's fiance.

"Good," Shunu said. "I will be in China soon. I hope by then everything is ready and we can start exterminating that parasite that keeps on clinging to my Prince,"

"It will happen Shunu. Just come home," I smile while I check my reflection on the rearview mirror.

"I will. Then I will make Feng Jian Yu's life, a living hell..."

Shunu ended the call and I laughed. Ah...it will be interesting to watch Shunu squash her Prince's fiance.

It's making me want to just sit back and enjoy the show but I also have plans of my own.

Everything is a go.

A Royal EngagementWhere stories live. Discover now