Character discription

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Hinata Mirai
(Asahina Mirai)

Age: 24
Figure: she has pinkish hair and always ties her hair to a one side. Pink eyes and has a pretty smile on her face. She is very beautiful that she gets at least 10 love letters at each months.
Personality: bright, cheerful. And kind. However, she can't stand if someone scoffed at her.
Like: game, ema, cute things, sweet things, natsume
Dislike: losing game (though she never losed one), hot weather, irritating noises
Job: A progamer

When she was young, her real parents past away. And was taken care of her parent's close friend, ema's step father. She and ema became sisters after that. She knew ema's parents past away too.
When she became 20 years old, she decided to go to US to study. However, she knew it was hard for her to study, and decided to choose her favorite thing as a job. A progamer.
Because of her job, she was a little late then ema. She was a little confused by her brother's attitude towards ema, however, she decided to ignore it. However, some of them started their feelings towards her....


Isn't it so wonderful? Having 13 handsome-hot bros?! >3 <
(sorry, I'm just a really huge fan of this anime)
Anyway, hope you'll enjoy this!!
P.S. sometimes, I don't write for a long time. Can you understand that for me? Pretty pleeaasseeee (♡^♡)

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