Ch. 25: An Old Friend

Start from the beginning

I got up, carrying the laptop into Annie's room. I sat down on her bed.

"Annie, wake up. Mommy wants to talk to you." I said softly, nudging her.

Annie slowly opened her eyes, rubbing them with her hands. She yawned and looked at the computer screen.

"Mommy!" Annie exclaimed sleepily.

"Hey baby, daddy said you have been sleepy lately." Ally says to Annie.

Annie crawled into my lap, nodding, "I wanna go home." She said with another yawn, leaning back and resting her head against my chest.

"Have you been feeling sick?" Ally asks.

Annie shook her head, "Just really tired. I miss you mommy."

"I miss you too baby." Ally sighed.

Annie put a weak smile on her face.

"Why don't you go have Olivia make you some breakfast." I told Annie and she nodded. She got out of bed and left the room to eat.

I looked at the screen and Ally had a serious look on her face.

"Austin you need to send her home." She said.

"You want me to send her home all alone on an airplane?" I asked.

Ally sighed, "I don't know...but I think she needs to come home."

"I know she does, but I can't put her on an airplane all alone." I say, running a hand through my hair.

"Maybe Trish-"

"Woah woah woah, Trish?" I asked interrupting her, "You actually called her?"

Ally nods, "Yeah, I needed someone to talk to and help with the baby. Trish hasn't changed a bit. Although she's dating this guy named Toby and he is hard to get along with." Ally told me.

"Well I'm happy for her." I say with a smile.

"Me too. Anyways back to what I was saying. Trish could stay home with Axel for a day and I'll come get Annie. I might even stop to see you on the way." Ally said, teasing me in the end.

"You can't leave without a kiss." I told her and she laughed.

"Oh please, I'm not leaving until I've had like ten kisses." Ally continued laughing.

Her laugh was so contagious. I began laughing too.

"I'm going to call Trish quick and I'll get back to you. I really hope I can see you." Ally sighs. I really want to hug her right now.


An hour later I got a text from Ally.

Trish would love to watch Axel today. I'll be there tomorrow morning.

I smiled and typed her a message back.

I can't wait to see you!

<~Ally's POV:

I smiled at his last message and set my phone down on the table. I miss Austin so much and I can finally see him tomorrow! Trish was coming in an hour so I had to pack a quick bag even though I wasn't gonna be there long. Trish had her life too, I can't make her watch Axel for too long.

There was a knock on the door. Trish wasn't supposed to be here for another hour...maybe it's not her.

I hesitantly opened the door, thankfully it was Trish!

"Trish! Thank you so much for coming!" I exclaimed giving her a friendly hug.

"It's no problem at all. I love spending time with Axel. Plus Toby and I could use some practice." Trish says and my mouth drops open.

"Trish does that mean?"

"Yes." Trish said nodding.

"Oh my god your pregnant! I'm so happy for you! Congratulations you guys." I said when I saw Toby coming up behind her.

"Thanks Ally, I'm super excited!" Trish replied with a huge smile on her face. Toby remained quiet. He kinda scared me. I'm not sure if I want him in the same house as my baby.

"Well c'mon in." I welcomed them, opening the door wider. Trish and Toby walked in. It amazed me how tall Toby was, I think he might be taller than Austin.

"Hey Toby how tall are you?" I asked curiously.

"Six feet and four inches." Toby replied with no expression at all. He made it seem like he was gonna pound you into the wall at any moment.

"Wow. Your three inches taller than my husband. And I thought he was like a tallest person on earth." I chuckled. Toby just kept a straight face. I'm really sorry to be thinking this but how does Trish love this guy.

"So why are we here again?" Toby asked, it was the first thing he'd said on his own the whole time.

"She needs to fly to Wisconsin to pick up her daughter. Our job is to babysit her newborn son." Trish explained to her boyfriend.

"How old are you?" Toby asked me.

"Twenty four." I answered, wondering why he was asking me this.

"And you already have too kids?" Toby asked, sounding surprised.

I nodded.

"Did you have one when you were like ten?" Toby asked with a laugh.

I glared at him and shook my head, "No I was seventeen!" I snapped at him.

"Toby, stop being so rude." Trish said to Toby.

"Well sorry but she sounds like a slut to me." Toby says and tears begin to fill my eyes.

"Toby!" Trish scolded him and slapped his arm. She walked over to me and hugged me, "He didn't mean it, Ally." She assured me.

I pushed her away, "Oh whatever. Do you know how many times people have called me that! A lot!" I sobbed, "So it must be true."

"No no no, Ally, it's not true. Your perfect, beautiful, and amazing in so many ways." Trish tried to comfort me.

I shook my head, "No, no I'm not. Maybe you guys should just go." I snuffled. There is no way I want Toby around Axel. I don't trust him.

"Ally, you need to go get Annie. Plus you'll get to see Austin." Trish tried to persuade me.

I sniffed, "My flight doesn't leave for another four hours."

"Well how about we do each others makeup?" Trish suggested.

I sighed, "Fine..." I muttered. She dragged me upstairs and we began making each other look like movie stars. Even though my eyes were all puffy and red from crying.


A/N: Wow Toby sure is a jerk. Do you think Ally with actually go and leave Trish and Toby with Axel? What's gonna happen next?? Comment and vote! Next update will be when I get at least 35 votes and at least 15 comments!


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