I Still Need You

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Camilas POV

I got out of the Uber and made my way around to the back of the car. I opened the trunk and slowly grabbed put my luggage as tears  out of my eyes and down my face.


Shes gone.  The words kept playing in my head. I started to get a headache, I rolled into my back and onto my side of the Bed. I turned my head and faced the spot she would be laying,  I if Cole hadn't brought up my past. I force my head to look away from her still head printed pillow. I stare up at the ceiling and let the tears fall. If it was anyone else I would have held them in,  but not my baby. I look at the side table next to my bed and reach for my phone. "Great, 8 missed calls from my mom"  I say and turn my phone onto silent and face it down. I look over and see one of Camilas t shirts. I grab it and I smell it,  "it still smells like her" I say. I lay down with her shirt in my hand and slowly bring myself to fall asleep.

Camilas POV

As I was walking into Lili's hotel I see a familiar face,  "Ian" I whisper and turn around quickly. I can hear footsteps catching me. I quickly bring out my phone and dial KJ,  I hope he answers.  After listening to the phone ring and ring I leave a message "KJ.. I'm probably not the person you want to hear from but.. It's Ian he is---"  before I could finish saying Ian grabs my arm. "Don't even think about it"  he says as he grids his teeth together. I look back at my phone and see the message is still recording,  I try and take this chance to warn KJ but Ian ends the call and throws my phone into the trash can next to us. Ian drags me by my arm up the stairs and into his hotel room. "Now ,  your boyfriend is no longer,  a issue." he says and places me on the bed. "Now I don't want to punish you but it must be done." as he finishes his sentence Rob walks out of the bathroom. "This is Rob,  wich you already know. I hired him to watch you and your lover boy,  you could say." He gestures to rob with his hands,  Rob walks closer to me and pulls handcuffs out from behind him. "Now rob will take care of you while I go and find you lover.." He says and turns around swiftly and strides out the door. I see rob walk into the bathroom and get something from a bag, I don't know what. I take this chance, I slowly stand up and bring myself to the window as quietly as possible. As I am walking a creek from the floor makes a sound. I turn around and Rob is running towards me. We are only on the second floor so I take this opportunity, I leap forward and out the window. I slowly watch as the ground gets closer,  I'm prepared to die. As I was falling I saw bushes to the left of me. I quickly tried to jerk my body onto them. I made it,  I had landed on the bushes. I quickly get myself out the bushes and look left and then right, I see Ian walking out the front door. I run,  I try and follow the path the car took but I don't remeber it all. "Run home Camila.. Try and follow your heart"  I whisper to myself and keep running. I take a left at the next street and run forward. I look back and see Ian catching onto me, I try to run faster but the heels aren't helping the case. I slide my feet out of my heels one by one carefully while running. I start striding faster. I see a building that looks familiar so I run towards hit, as I was running I look backwards and don't see Ian. "Maybe he gave up?"  I thought to myself as I ran towards the building.I look back and see Ian running away from me and police following him. "Serves him right" I say to myself as I run threw the buildings door. It looks familiar "Kjs apartment" I whisper to myself and walk towards it. I look down and realized I had my back pack of luggage the whole time. I stop in front of his door. I look at it and realize it's home. "Home" I say and I reach into my pocket and get out the key. I turn the key and unlock the door. I slowly walk in and close and lock the door behind me. Nothings changed. I say to myself as I drop my backpack. I look at the bedroom door and it seems to be open. "KJ.." I whisper to myself and walk forward towards it. I stop in the door way and look at him. He has my shirt in his hands and the pillows are tear stained. "kj" I say and walk towards my side of the bed. I slowly sit on it and look at him. I lean down and kiss his lips. He wakes up and looks at me. He breaks the kiss and starts crying it. "Don't cry baby.. I'm home." I say to him and he leans in and wraps his arms around my back and one around my waste. He pulls me onto him and pulls me in for a hug. "Please dont leave again..." He whispers and looks at me. "I wont" I say and I bring myself to kiss him. He kisses back,  not like all the other kisses that we shared,  he was relieved to have me home.


I was so happy,  she was home. I slowly started running my tounge along her lips asking for entrance,  she opened her mouth and I brought my tounge into hers and she brought hers into mine. I had to break the kiss to get fresh air,  our heads where touching and she was straddling me. I looked at her and she smiled. I brought my lips to hers but she didn't kiss back,  instead she bit my lip, seductively. I looked at her and she nodded. I picked her up holding her by her butt and I got out of bed. I made my way to the end of the bed  and she was sitting on it. I was making the kiss more intense every second. She brought her hands to my waste and lifted up my shirt,  I released my arms from her and she ripped off my shirt. I brought my hands up a little and slowly started unzipping her dress. I slid the dress over her head and I stared at her body "Your so beautiful" I said and brought my lips to hers. I pulled away and undid my belt and pulled down my pants. "Are you sure?"  I said and she nodded and smiled. She grabbed my arm and pulled me against her. We fell off the end of the bed and she was laying on the bed and I above her. I started trailing my kisses down her neck,  I started to suck on her collar bone wich I knew was her weak spot. She ran her hands threw my hair and pulled on it. She let out a moan and I brought my lips up to hers and started kissing her. Our tounges explored each other's mouth and our hands explored each other's body. I didn't want to go to far but I couldn't resist her touch. I unclipped the back of her bra and took it off her. We ended up taking off the rest of our clothes some where threw the night. We got so tired from kissing and trailing our hands up and down each others body that was ended up collapsing next to each other. "Camila?"  I say as we are both panting and sweating. "Yeah KJ?" she replied and turns onto her side and rubs her hand across my chest. "Why did you come back... After what Cole said?"  I ask and tilt my head towards her and I bring my hands to her hair and start playing with it. "I realized that your the one that I want.. And I know you have changed, or I hope." she says and looks at me and gives me a small smile. I smile back and reply "I was looking for the forever one.. I just wasn't doing it correctly. I was using my pain on those girls."  I say and she looks at me,  "But I have found the one I want and I stopped. I didn't want to hurt the girl who meant the most to me." I say and look down at her. She moves closer to me and puts her head on my chest, I kiss her forehead and start playing with her hair again as she rubs my chest. She looks up at me and says "I realized something while I was out."  she says and I lift one eyebrow at that remark. She slowly looks at me and says "I realized.. I still need you."  I look at her and whisper "I love you cami" I say and she gives me a small quick kiss "Kj Apa.. I love you to." she says and she lays back down and we drift off to sleep.

AWW see Satan isn't always mean. Also they start filming the next day so that's gonna be exciting. So this chapter is 1630 words long. Xoxo

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