minor chris chambers thoughts part 2

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-Okay so i ship him with cherry valance bc of these reasons:

1. she just is so pretty and looks like she would be his type

2. cherry is smart and deep and understands that you judge people by the content of their character and not by their parents, where theyre from, or what they did.

3. just look.
do they NOT look like they'd date eachother.

4. Chris is two years older than Cherry, so theyre perfect age wise!!

5. their ship name is chrerry. done. (pronounced 'ch' as in chapter and 'rarry', so cherry.)


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-so i have this thought that this happened

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-so i have this thought that this happened. you know how gordie found out chris died from the newspaper? well i always thought of this other way things could've went down and it hURTS!!!
So basically Chris waits in line at a fast food place, two men get in a fight, one pulls a knife, and he gets stabbed in the throat.

but right before he gets stabbed, like a second before, gordie walks in the door of the place and sees him get stabbed just a second later, and gordie rushes over and catches chris in his arms from behind because he bolted for his best friend.

the weight almost breaks his arms and its just this terrible scene of gordie crying and sobbing as he drags Chris's dead and gruesome body out of the place and he gets blood on his hands and the knife is still in chris's throat so its super creepy and i-

i cant !!!

-And also this:::
him knowing how to unsnap a bra with one hand, backwards, blindfolded, all these crazy ass ways and not telling gordie or anyone else even though they beg for him to show how he does it..
that gives me life because Id do the same thing as chris tbh..

okay i also wanna copy and paste this from an old chapter of an old book of mine and it shows why i relate to chris chambers on many personal levels and here it is (if u dont wanna read I'll separate with asterisks so you can tell when its done, though id greatly appreciate it if you did.