The Amazing Spider Girl

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Chapter One:

Hi my name is Penelope Parker and I'm a twelve year old prodigy. I am in high school. I live in New York with my dad

Peter Parker. I know what you're thinking if you know him. You're saying "Ah you're Spider-Man's daughter!" But I

don't think it that way. I just know he's my daddy. He saves peoples lives and raises me. That's how I see him as a hero

to everybody.

My mom was murdered a few weeks after I was born. She died from an impact of a really high story fall.

She was murdered by my dad's best friend when he was fighting with him. Harry Osbourne.

I hate him with all my heart.

He just stood their laughing at my dad at how he was unable to save her from falling when he was attacking him.

Harry's in prison. Hopefully he will stay there forever.

If he's ever out he knows my dad will open a goon case of butt whooping on him. Or should I say Spider-Man.

If he's ever out and I have Spider-Man's abilities he won't live to even turn forty I will make sure.

Any ways back to me.

My favorite colors are red, black, and blue.

I wear skinny jeans more often than I should.

I don't often wear skirts

If I do I wear leggings under neath

I always wear what you call "hooker" boots

I used to have natural platinum blonde hair but dyed it red

I have a great aunt named May

I love her to death

I only have my dad and aunt May THATS still alive

My grandparents Richard and Mary are dead

My dad and I have a passion for photography

I am stronger and tougher than I look

My dad and I live with my aunt May

I am about five foot three inches

I am in gymnastics so I am very flexible and I can defend myself

My dad and I have the same prescription for glasses so if I lose mine he will use his contacts and I use his glasses


I hope I see more people read this

I hope you enjoy the next chapters to come

I am currently VERY obsessed with both Spider-Mans

I LOVE Spider-Man

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