3. Moving in

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"Are we there yet?" She rolled her eyes in response. I guessed as much. I had literally been asking that question every five minutes.

"Don't blame me. I am chronically allergic to exercise. It hurts my feet and my lungs all at once, sucks the energy out of me and makes me wish I had decided to curl up in bed, with a jar of Nutella and a Netflix movie playing on my laptop. Yes, that's the only cure... unless you are offering a trip to Disneyland. My doctor prescribed that too. "

"Yes. "

"Oh no! How much longer? I think I am going to.... wait, did you just say yes?" She nods in response watching me with amusement in her eyes. I'm not usually like this infront of new people, but hey, exercise brings out the real me.

"Thank God! I never thought I'd ever be so glad to hear a girl say 'yes' to me." I said giving her a hug, making her laugh despite my seriousness in the matter.

"Seems like we are right on time." She said noticing that people were just leaving the hall." Come on, we need to sign you up. Do you have a room already ?" She asks leading me to the registration desk.

"No, actually. I thought they were offering accommodation."

"They are, but you need to book a room early, before every one of them gets occupied. Luckily for you, I could give you the one my Grandma had booked for me. I hope you have no issue sharing rooms with a complete stranger." She all of a sudden looked genuinely concerned as she awaited my answer.

"And where will you stay?"

"Don't worry about me. My stepdad gave me a condo that's around here and I have a car to take me to and fro. I don't need the room anymore. " The way she said it made it look as if talking about having a condo and a car was like having a shoe to walk around with. Normal.

Of course she'd say it like that. She is rich, remember?

" Sure. Why not?" And with that, I was moving into Stanford University's very own Branner hall.

"I told you to wake me up!"

"Potato potato. All that matters is that you are awake now and I'm safe. Now stop standing at the door like a bodyguard and help me unpack."

Let me explain what just happened: I forgot that I was supposed to wake my brother up, or even inform him that I was going room searching. You can just imagine the facial expression that met me at the door a few minutes ago. Apparently, he charmed one of the ushers in charge of accommodation arrangements into telling him where I was.

And here I was thinking that these people had promised to keep my private information private. Who knows who else they could be charmed into telling where I am? Maybe next time it will be.... nope, I'm not thinking about that.

"I'm serious V. Don't ever do that again. I was worried something had happened to you. You know,like what happened the last time I left you alone." I hate it when he is like this. I prefer the playful cocky version of him ten times more.

"It was only a scratch Nicky Bear." He gave me a scowl in return. Well, at least I tried to lighten the mood.

"You know what I mean." He clearly wasn't in the mood for games.

"I'm sorry. I won't scare you like that again. Plus, you don't have to worry about me so much anymore. Nothing could go wrong here."

"Its in my job description to worry, V."

And with that, he gave me one of his 'I'll always be here for you' hugs. I was fighting hard to avoid breaking down right now.

"Aww." Katie sat on my bed, covering her mouth after her outburst, that had succeeded in drawing our attention.

I can't believe I forgot Katie was here. We almost mentioned the forbidden infront of her. I really should be more careful.

"I couldn't hold it back anymore. Sorry for ruining the moment." She said, her cheeks turning red from embarrassment.

"It's OK Katie. You didn't ruin anything. "

"How about you be a good sister and introduce me to this goddess gracing us with her presence." He said showing off his breathtaking smirk.

And cocky Nick returns!!!! Here I was hoping that he could keep his charms off for at least an hour after our 'moment'.Well,that was short-lived.

"Did you learn that on tumblr? You should work on your authenticity." Katie said looking at my brother with a cute smirk of her own, wiping his off and replacing it with a shocked look.

Well that was unexpected! I swear his ego will need alot of medical care after this. God, I love this girl more and more every second.

Someone should seriously buy me a camera for Christmas. This is so a Kodak moment.

"This, dear brother, is my new best friend. Nick, meet Katie. The one girl that has partaken of the anti-nick charms antidote so far."

"Call me... "

"If anything goes wrong, if I need anything,if I get a creepy roommate, if boys start bugging me around, when I miss you and if I start getting panic attacks again, because you are just one call away and you love me. I get it. Now leave before you embarass me infront of the neighbors." I say pushing Nick towards the door. Katie had left a bit earlier.

Sometimes I'm pretty sure that if it were possible that he enroll for all my classes just to make sure I'm safe, he would.

"OK! I'm leaving." He gave me a bear hug at that. "Just one call away." he whispered into my ear.

"Bye." It sought of hurt that he was leaving, but I had to do this on my own. I wanted to do this on my own.

At that moment, my phone rang, saving me from an emotional breakdown.


"How are you? I've been wondering if after all this years you'd like to meet..." There is only one person I know with a musical disability that would make Nick sound like Beyonce.

"Hey Tyler, don't ever sing in public again."

"You hurt my ego hunny bunch. Good thing, I'm not in public, I'm in the washroom." I could feel the smirk on his face.

"TMI Ty. Ugh!!! Another image to haunt my dreams!"

"We both know that the only haunting I'll be doing in your dreams will be..."

"Please don't finish that statement. Why did you even call? "

"Can't I just call because I missed you?"

"Nope. Not you Ty. So, what's up?"

"The boys and I are thinking of changing your room to a game zone. What do you think?"

"Putting it simply :Do that and I will sell you family jewels on eBay. " I could imagine him covering them up right now.

"I change my mind. Probably not even a good idea." I couldn't hold back the laughter from his evident fear.

"Yeah. Good idea. We'll talk tomorrow. I really need to rest. I've had a long day."

"Good night then hunny bunch. Remember that: I'm only one call away, I'll be here to save the day, superman has...." I hang up before he started hitting pitches and my head with a hammer.

Hi Lovies,
I missed you so much... felt like I had to pay back....no wonder the looong chapter update. Anyway, hope you liked it. I wanted to give you a little insight on V's past through it without giving up enough.
Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment. Till next time :XOXO.

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