Boss Battle

Depuis le début

"A better question would be are you?" Anti countered.

Jack gave no reply.

"Fine." Anti finally gave up, tossing Jack another sword that he kept by the throne.

Jack instantly recognized it as his old sword he used during the first battle against the Billycons, the septic eye on the hilt that looked like Sam covered in dust, but otherwise intact.

"You still wear that old rag you call a cape?" Anti snorted in amusement.

"I do, it's good for things like this." Jack swished his cape in front of Anti, catching him off guard and giving Jack enough time to back up so he had the to plan his next move.

Anti retaliated by lunging with his sword at Jack.

"You can't win, you're just a human." Anti sneered as he clashed swords with Jack, forcing Jack's sword dangerously close to his face.

"I'm Jack Septiceye McBoss, heir to the throne of Bossatronia, and I'm YouTuber gamer Jacksepticeye. So many people believe in me, and I won't fail them." Jack spoke through gritted teeth as his arms strained to keep Anti's sword at bay.

"Why did Billy make you in charge of Bossatronia instead of himself?" Jack demanded out of curiosity. He managed to knock Anti's sword aside, but not out of his grip.

"Billy technically does rule. To him, I'm merely a puppet and he's the puppeteer. If I disobey him, he'll kill me." Anti admitted, not letting his guard down as he eyed Jack warily. Jack held his sword in a defensive position as he considered Anti's words, wondering if he was telling the truth.

"I know what people have been calling me behind my back. I deserved to be loved! I didn't choose this, and even if I was actually the ruler, I wouldn't allow this to happen." Anti gestured around him with his sword.

"Together we can take out Billy, we can make things right." Jack lowered his sword to his side and held out his other hand out to Anti as a sign of peace.

"'re right. Let's do this." Anti shook Jack's hand, his eyes betraying his reluctance and hesitation at siding with Jack.

"Follow me." Anti instructed as he strode out of the throne room.

"I need to get my friends." Jack interjected as he started walking towards the entrance to go outside.

"Too late."

Billy blocked Jack's path with his own short black hilted dagger before stepping in front of him.

"Anti, kill him!" Billy commanded.

Anti stood frozen behind Jack, his grip tightening on his sword as his knuckles grew white.

"Traitor!" Billy yelled in fury, glaring at Jack.

"This is YOUR fault!" Billy pointed the tip of his dagger at Jack's heart.

"It was my own choice. I can't watch these people suffer." Anti stepped forward so he was standing beside Jack.

"You really are Jack's clone." Billy chuckled coldly.

"You'll both die the same!" Billy twirled his dagger in his hand as he stepped closer to the two.

Anti and Jack both raised their swords in response, ready in a defensive position.

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