Chapter 1 Sacrifice

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"Henry?" Regina asks, slowly sitting up, she hugs him, after waking on the ground, from Isaac's mischief world of opposites. She holds Henry's face, and kisses him, "Hook," she sighs. "The loft," Regina says, "Go ahead," Emma says, putting her arm around Henry. 

Regina sprints off. She bursts through the door of the Blanchard loft, narrowly missing David and Mary Margaret. They gasp and look at her, "Where is he?" she breathes and looks around frantically. "No... everyone woke up exactly where they were before this mess," Regina said. "Is that so?" Killian's voice echoed from above. 

Mary Margaret and David glare up at him. Regina gapes and runs up the stairs. "Killian!" Regina leaps up to him hugging him, he topples backwards onto the bed, "Woah," he laughs. "I thought you..." Regina sighs. "I woke up and wanted to check to see if Henry was here," he said. "How many times do I have to tell you, I'm a survivor," he smirks. "I wanted to tell you something," She sighs. 

He smiles at her, it's a rare time for the Queen to appear so vulnerable, "Tell me what?" he asks, with a cheeky grin on his face. "I..... wanted to thank you... for sacrificing yourself for Henry," Regina says. He smiles at her, and nods, "Well I wouldn't let your son get hurt Regina," he said. She places her forehead against his, wanting to say more, but she doesn't know how. 

An hour later, Killian's hair is tousled and his vest and shirt undone, "How late are we going to be to this celebration?" he smirks, pulling her waist to him. "Come on, you got your time," she smiles playfully at him, and turns, "Zip me?" She asks. 

"Mmm, please?" he whines in her ear, "We just did, you're pretty sprite for 300," she teases. "I am," his eyebrow dances up, "That's because with you, every time is like the first," he says. "Did you read that?" Regina asks, "Yes, modern dating, Belle showed me a book," he boasts, "mm I see, come on," she tugs his hand, and he reluctantly comes behind her, with a pout.

They head to Granny's hand in hand, and Killian opens the door, "Sorry we're late," Killian says, "That's my line," Regina says. Killian grins at her, and they head towards David and Mary Margaret. "I'm sorry I killed you," David says, "It's ok, though I do intend on holding it over your heads for a long time," Killian smiles. "You can't really do that, given what ... I did.." Regina said. "Ok fine, we're even," Killian smiles. "We're still so sorry," Mary Margaret said. "I think we can agree what happened there wasn't real," Regina said. 

Killian puts his arm around Regina, "Well you two are doing well," Mary Margaret smiles, "Uhh, yeah, we are," Regina smiles. "Care for a walk?" Killian asks, "Sure," Regina smiles, and the pair head out. 

"I feel like there was something you wanted to say earlier," Killian said, holding Regina's hand walking through the dark streets of Storybrooke. "I.. mean, I said it," Regina shrugs. The pair get back towards the center of town, and see David, Mary Margaret, and Emma running. 

"What's going on?" Regina asks, "The darkness, it's not attached to Gold, it's out here," David says. The group looks around into the night sky, "Where the hell is it?" Regina asks, and the group stares up. "It's gone," Mary Margaret says. "No... it's everywhere," Emma said, holding the dagger in her hand. 

Suddenly, swirls of black, descend from the sky, and attack Regina. "Regina!" Mary Margaret yells. "Regina!" Killian screams, as the swirls multiply and engulf Regina in swirls of darkness. Her eyes close, attempting to fight it. Killian charges it, and is repelled backwards. "That's not gonna work on this thing! We have to attach it to a person to contain it!" Emma shouts. 

"I'm not gonna lose someone else from the darkness," Killian gets to his feet and steps towards the funnel, searching for Regina's eyes in the cyclone, "NO!!" Regina yells at him, "I can't let it take you!! You worked too hard!!" Killian yells. He stares at Regina's eyes, and she can't get a word out, Killian grabs the darkness. 

The cyclone breaks around Regina, she gasps, and steps backwards, as Emma and she stare at the black swirls. She stares with her mouth open, Killian yelps inside the black funnel. Regina helplessly watches as the darkness flashes and disappears, dropping the dagger at their feet. 

'Killian Jones' reads across the dagger, Regina sighs. "Regina, I'm sorry," Emma said. "I......" she breathes and steps forward. She picks up the dagger, "Are you going to call him?" David asks. "Not yet," She says. "Regina? What are you thinking?" Emma asks. "Captain Hook fought the darkness and vengeance for centuries, he's not going to be the same man when I call him," Regina said. 

"You think he would hurt you?" Emma asks, "No, but I know who he would go after," Regina said. "Gold." Emma finishes. Regina nods. "Get Belle, get her to my vault, seal her there," Regina said. "He would hurt Belle?" Emma asks, "he would take her to get to him, I know how he thought back then," Regina said. 

Flashback -- Queen's castle. 

"Shame, so pretty, yet so useless," Killian says, getting Belle back on the bed, after knocking her out. "Hello Captain," Evil Queen enters. He stares, "My hook if you please," he holds his right hand out, "No," she holds it. "Is that any way to address a Queen?" She asks. "I know all about you Captain," the Queen circles him, with a pleased look on her face. His eyes can't help gaze at her figure, as she comes around him. "I can help you..." She says.

Present Day 

Regina paces back and forth, she's magically put Rumple and Belle in the vault. "Why are you helping me? And what about Rumple?" Belle asks. "Given your boyfriend's delicate state and my boyfriend's potential evil, this is the best thing," Regina said. "If Killian is the dark one, doesn't he have more power than you? Can't he get in?" Belle asks. "He will, but, I have to summon him first, and I have the dagger," Regina said. "You're going to control him?" Belle asks, "I wouldn't do that to him, he has to make this choice, but I have to call him first, which... is kind of controlling him, and he's not going to like it, so it's best if you two are locked up here for now," Regina said. 

Regina seals the vault with blood magic, and heads home. She thinks to herself, unsure what she can expect when she does call Killian. She doesn't know if he's still the same man, that she loves. 

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