The Beginning

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Once there was a girl that fell in-love with a man. And they made me. Emerson May. I was once happy until I actually knew what was around me..

One night I was trying to sleep and I heard screaming downstairs. It was my mom...I ran down there as quite and fast as I could. I saw she was bleeding and my dad leaving. I heard his Engine. He was gone. I ran to my mom. He stabbed her. I grabbed our phone as fast as I could to dial 911.

Then all I really remember well is me. Sitting in the back of the ambulance, the sirens going off and holding my moms hand.

I was in the waiting room with my grandma. She turned to me and said 'your mom is a strong women. So are you, if she doesn't make it. Your strong..just remember..' as she turned with tears in her eyes, the doctor came out. A pouty look on her face. My grandma asked me to leave for a second.

All I saw was tears down my grandmas eyes as she stood up in the chair and came to me. 'I'm sorry Emerson, I'm so sorry.'

My mom was my everything. Now I have to count on my grandma to raise me.

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