Intoduction to Characters

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Hello my name is Melanie Kala Ka'anā'anā, but my friends call me Mel. I am from Hawaii but live with my mom in Los Angeles, I'm 17 years old and am a senior in high school. My best friends are Maddie and Kaylan. (Main Character)

Hey, Maddie has long brown hair, brown eyes, she is very tall and has a sleeve of tattoos. She is very laid back and knows how to cheer up Mel. Works in a Coffee shop.

Hi, Kaylan has straight black hair to below shoulders, dark brown eyes, dark olive skin tone, she is about average height. She is supper sweet and funny just like Maddie. Works in a coffee shop.

Aloha, Chanelle has long brown curly hair, brown eyes, and average height she has tattoo's scattered around her body her favorite is her cross. She has an ear piercing, her doubles done, and her belly button is pierced. Chanelle is also known as a Bad Ass, also very tan.

Heyy, Kayla is a brunet with haze eyes and is tall, she has a bunch of tattoos, she is very laid back.

Hii, Myla has blonde hair, green eyes, and i average height. She enjoys to go to the beach and play beach volleyball, Paints, and makes friendship bracelets. Most of her artwork and bracelets are in the coffee shop where Maddie and Kaylan work.

Hiii, Britney has light brown wavy medium length hair, and brown eyes. She is an Actor and is currently with Awesomeness TV, and on the show H8ters (not actually in there) and is good friends with Franny, Bobby, Harrison, Corey.

Kian- Same as real life

Jc- Same as real life

Bobby- Same as real life

Corey- Same as real life

Franny- Same as real life

Harrison- Same as real life

Dommy D- Same as real life

Ryan- Same as real life

Jarrad- Same as real life

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