The End Of All Things

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(Y/C/N)= your cats name
Laureline's POV)
"First Class is now boarding," said the women over the intercom. Dad, Mom and I were in the waiting area. "Economy Class is now boarding," said the women over the intercom a few minutes later.  (Y/c/n) was in her cat carrier. I scratched her chin through the wire bars, but she was still scarred of the airport. "I don't see why we had to bring that stupid cat," Dad commented. I glared at him. "The "stupid cat" has a name you know," I hissed. He rolled his eyes. Everyone else has a normal Dad except me!
(Marks POV)
"First Class is now boarding!" Called the intercom woman. I walked down the long hallway that lead to the plane. I sat down in First Class. First Class isn't anything special. It's with all the economy class people. It's not luxury, like in all those movies. It's just got more leg room. I watched economy class flood into the plane, fill the over head bins and sit down. It took forever, but finally everyone was settled. The flight attendant showed us all the safety air masks and life preservers. Nobody seemed to ever look at her or pay any attention. It was so rude! Respect is a basic human element. I feel it is being lost. I pushed the piece of pink hair in my eye out of the way. I watched the runway go by as we sped up, and lifted off.
(Laurelines POV)
The plane had lifted off. I always felt comfort in the planes in the air. Like I was being rocked. I felt my eyes get heavy, so I tried to keep them open. It failed, and my surroundings faded away and into a deep sleep.
I woke up to airplane turbulance. I looked around in confusion. "We're experiencing a bit of turbulance, but we should be running smoothly soon," Said the woman over the intercom. Good. Great. Perfect. I plugged my headphones into the TV and watched The Lion King. I was at the very beginning of the movie, when suddenly the TV shut off. Along with the rest of the lights. I looked at my mom and raised an eyebrow. Suddenly, my dad looked terrified. His face was frozen in a terrifying expression. I was about to ask him what was wrong, when the voice over the intercom returned. "We are experiencing some trouble with the lights but they will be back and working shortly!" She said. She sounded a bit panicky.. I looked at dad. "Dad are you okay?" I asked. "The engines...." he said barely over a whisper. I looked at him questioningly. "The engines....they're down...the engines are down....the engines," he whispered. My mom gasped. Suddenly, my Dad hugged me tight. "I love you," he whispered in my ear. I suddenly realized what was going on. My heart seemed to stop and the breath went right out of me, as if it were never there. There was a loud clang and the plane started to tilt. "Were going down! We're going down!" The plane tilted straight down. I saw my life flash before my eyes. I gripped my parents tightly and cried louder than I ever have before.
(Marks POV)
The plane was tilted straight down. My stomach dropped and I cried. I turned around to see the other people. What made me the saddest was watching a young family. A mom, a dad and a little girl in a tight hug. The girl was crying so loud. She had on so much of my merch. But that didn't matter. I saw the ground coming fast. I put my hands over my head and braced for impact.

In All Sadness|A Markiplier FanficWhere stories live. Discover now