Part One

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You walked down the halls of your school, Gotham Academy . You had your books in your hand and you h/c hair was swaying back and forth. The next period bell rang and you weren't even close to your class so started to run.

You were so concerned about getting to class on time and avoiding another tarty you bumped into another student, as all your books fell and you bent over trying to pick them up.

">tt< watch it you imbecile" you heard a stern voice snap. You looked up and saw a very good looking boy, same grade, the bluest of eyes like the sky after a thunderstorm. You recognized him. Damian Wayne, son of the multi billionaire, Bruce Wayne.

"Come on Damian, that's no way to greet a beautiful lady" a peppier voice toned in, next to him was a strawberry blonde boy with freckles painted around his nose. Your cheeks got hot at his comment.
The strawberry blonde kneeled down and collected the rest of your books. He stacked them in your hands and both of you stood up. Damian Wayne was leaning on the lockers, great now you were even more late for class.

He rolled his eyes ">tt< come on Winkles, lets go." Stated the billionaires son before scanning you with his clam sky eyes. He walked away with 'Winkles' and you couldn't help watch the two walk away.


I hope you liked the first part, I feel like it's a little cliché but what are 'ya gonna do about it. TBH I have the middle all planned out just not a start so I guess I've been bamboozled.

Word count: 281
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