7 0 0

1 new twitter notification: @thevampsbrad has followed you 

"omg omg omg" I thought as I read the notification over and over.  I sat there with my finger hovering over the message button debating to myself whether I should DM him or not. " Why not, it's not like he's actually going to read it. 

  @daddy_bradley: hi

                                 sent at 9:45 am

@daddy_bradley: what's up I'm great no that you followed me that is

                                                                                                         sent at 9:50 am

@daddy_bradley:  What time is it where you're at here it's 10:30 am

                                                                                                              sent at 10:30 

@daddy_bradley: respond or i'll leak ur nudes 

                                                                           sent at 11 am

I decided he wasn't going to respond so I called my best friend. After the third ring she finally picked up 

"Luuuccccyyyyy guess what happend" I said way too excited  "what now Lizzie" she says laughing 

"brad followed me back" "OMFG when that's awesome" she said screaming 

" like like an hour and ago and god child you don't have to yell in my ear"  I  responded 

" WHAT THE HELL IT WAS THAT LONG AGO AND YOUR JUST NOW CALLING ME" She yelled again this time with a tone in her voice. "I forgot sor" "oh my god I just got a dm brb, love" I said.     "What if it's him" She said " It's probably not but see you later, Bye" Bye, text me" she said and then hung up. What is it's actually him I thought to myself 


@thvampsbrad: how did you get my nudes

                                                                           sent at 11:10

@thevampsbrad: i mean i don't have any...

                                                                           sent at 11:10


ohhhhhh a cliffhanger. What do you guys think?   

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2017 ⏰

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