➳ 1 // Our Way Is The Old Way

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    Until one day that whole schedule of habits stopped completely.

    Sansa was always happy to be learning how to sew with Septa Mordane, she didn't particularly have good talent for it yet but everyone would encourage her just like they had done with me; the encouragement stopped however when they saw I was far more skilled on the back of a horse than with a needle and thread in my hand. Nonetheless I had to be here and sew my best like my two sisters, but one of them, Arya, would always find ways to flee this responsibility and go outside and I, being responsible of course, would go after her to 'keep her safe'.

    Everyone was paying attention to their thread and needle, the sounds from arrows being released outside echoing on this part of the castle making Arya's eyes to be focused outside instead of what was going on here. Sometimes me and her would share some looks with each other, our eyebrows raising and slight smiles on our lips. Bran was having one of his first archery lessons and there was no way we could miss it and be here doing boring things instead, it would just not be doable at all.

    "Fine work as always, well done" said Septa Mordane as she held Sansa's work of tangled threads, I looked up at my younger sister and gave her a smile seeing the proud one on her lips.

    Septa went on talking about how the detail Sansa had achieved was lovely, in reality we knew it wasn't magnificent but it was all part of building up her self esteem and taste for the needlework. It was when Septa was engaged on her compliments on Sansa that Arya and I slipped outside, leaving the unfinished threading works on the stool we had been previously sat. Sneaking out seemed harder the first times we did it, in fact, it almost seemed impossible to get away but once we had mastered it there was pretty much no stopping us now.

    Outside everything was different, the laughs echoed on the courtyard, the smell of straw and dirt filled our noses as we walked closer to the shooting area where Bran was releasing an arrow. For a moment me and Arya stopped and watched as the arrow totally missed its target a small snicker coming from my younger sister making me look down at her and it was then that I had the perfect idea.

    "Let's show our brother how to properly shoot an arrow shall we?" I suggested while pointing my finger at two crossbows laying against a wood stool, arrows right next to it.

    Robb, Jon and Rickon were still laughing at Bran's missed target, father who we realized was above us with mother defended Bran saying that neither one of the other boys was good with the bow when they were only ten year olds.

    Jon got closer to Bran, probably trying to help him out as he seemed to be telling him what to do, same as Robb who would be giving him advice on how to properly place his arm and that was when me and Arya decided it was time to step in.

    "Bull's eye?" Arya asked with a smile on her face as she drew back the string of the crossbow, arrow now fully loaded and ready to let fly.

    "I'll go more towards the right, you to the left, an even split bull's eye" I could see her nod from the corner of my eye and then we took one breath together.

    The arrows were released at the same time as Bran was about to release his making both of our arrows to go by each side of his head and hit the target. There is always that moment of wonder about whether we hit the target or not and then the uncontrollable happiness when we see the arrows pierced on the black inner circle of the painted fabric.

    Everyone's head turned towards us, Bran's being the quickest head to turn and as soon as he saw Arya bow down he went after her causing everyone to once again laugh. I placed the bow down and with a smile on my face got closer to my older brother sharing the laugher with him and also smiling up to my parents who were watching the scene unfold.

Aquamarine ➳ Theon GreyjoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora