Part Twenty - two ~

Começar do início

Violetta: Sis, what are you doing here?

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Violetta: Sis, what are you doing here?

Federico: Oh, hey guys.

Leon: Hey, why are you two arguing?

Federico: Oh, ask the supernova.

Ludmila: He started with his good-looking face.

Leon: Huh?

Federico: She thinks I was hitting on the travel agent.

Leon: Well, he's a guy, of course, he will.

Violetta: You better not you're a married man, Leon.

Leon: I'm not going to.

Ludmila: He said that and look what happened.

Leon: Calm down.

They left and they walked inside.


Violetta: Aww thank you that's sweet.

Travel agent: I'm Lucinda, how may I be of service?

Leon: We would like to book two holidays for this week, please?

Lucinda: Oh, well let's see what holidays were you looking at?

Violetta: Well, it's our Anniversary in 3 days, so we were thinking if we could go to Los Angeles for 2 days and Madrid for 5 days would that be possible?

Lucinda crossed her legs and started stroking her leg with Leon's leg and he moved back from the desk.

Lucinda: Yes, I can do that for you, is it just the two of you?

Leon: No, it's also our son Leonardo so it's 3 people, please?

Lucinda: Right, well what day did you want to go to Los Angeles?

Leon: A Sunday to Monday and Madrid will be the next day Tuesday to Saturday, please?

Violetta: Yeah.

Lucinda: Okay, you have three seats and its window seat and an aisle seat.

Leon: Thank you, how much?

Lucinda: No, for Leonetta it's free.

Leon: No, it must cost something I don't mind paying.

Lucinda: Okay, it will be €22.00.

Leon paid the woman, and they grabbed their information and left.

Leon: She was nice.

Violetta: I think she fancied you. *Holding his hand*

Leon: Awe is my girl jealous that I'm not just your type?

Violetta: Let's get something to eat now I'm starving.

Leon: Okay, then I must do shopping.

Violetta: same.

They went to the restaurant. 

Violetta: Can you believe that we are going on a Family Vacation?

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Violetta: Can you believe that we are going on a Family Vacation?

Leon: Yeah, I'll just have to record a few songs and then I will be all yours.

Violetta: I thought it was just one song.

Leon: My manager was talking to me.

Violetta: Awe, you're not going to be all day recording, are you?

Leon: It takes as long as it takes baby. 

Leon pulled her chair out and she sat down

Violetta: But Leon?

Leon: Don't but Leon me, baby.

Violetta: Fine, okay I'll be in the hotel room with Leonardo waiting for you as usual.

Leon: Now your being ridiculous, now read your menu because I'm starving. 

Violetta: What are you having?

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Violetta: What are you having?

Leon: Well, I'm going to have a bacon sandwich.

Violetta: Ooh I might have the same with some juice.

Leon: You just read my mind.

Violetta: See it's our connection.

Leon: Don't say we can finish each other's sentences because that would be creepy
Then the Waitress came, and they ordered.  

Our children are in our hands. *Leonetta Story*  Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora