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considering there's LOADS of different Human! Bill designs, I tried making my own!

considering there's LOADS of different Human! Bill designs, I tried making my own!

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I'll be honest, I'm pretty proud of this. It actually didn't take long, either! I really like the design owo

 It actually didn't take long, either! I really like the design owo

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Okay, let me explain this. I said to one of my friends "I'MA DRAW EDD!" "Draw him with a knife in his chest." ".. Okay..." "And dead on the floor."
Yeaaah, so here's a Green Leader with a knife in his chest? I think it looks okay?

I actually haven't been drawing that much over the past few days because I guess I lost a lil bit of motivation? Or something? Eh, there was reasons

Also, I've been busy with cross stitch. For school (specifically Home Ec and Junior Cert ;-;) I have to make a craft project, where I had to choose from cross stitch, appliqué (which is basically just making the cover for a cushion), knitting, crochet, etc. and I chose cross stitch (duh). I picked a fox design thinking "yeah! this looks good enough to get me an A!" but I didn't think it through properly and hAaah I'm nowhere NEAR finished the fox. This is what I have so far ;w:

The ear still isn't done ;-; I'VE BEEN DOING THE EAR FOR THREE DAYS

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The ear still isn't done ;-;

I just need to add white, it's all good

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