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The first day of school Junior year. One most don't forget. Frankly, it's one I am forced to not ignore. I started the morning by waking up late, and almost missing the bus. I threw on some clothes, grabbed my bag and ran out the door to the bus stop down the street. Luckily, I got on just in time. I sat in an empty seat at the back of the bus. I avoided the people who got on before me. Especially all the new, annoying Sophomores. Though, I could just drive. Nah. I don't have any money for gas.
    I took out my phone and put in my headphones, turning on High City, the best band in the world. A couple stops down the road, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see a girl with long brown hair, wearing a short red dress. She said something, but I couldn't hear her. I took out a headphone. "Uh... Repeat please." I said.
    "Oh, hi. I'm new, can I sit with you?" She said.
    "Go ahead." I nodded, and went to put my headphone back in.
    "What're you listening to?" She stopped me before I could put it back in.
    "High City." I said, short and stern.
    "I love High City!" She shrieked.
    "Me too. They are my favorite."
    She nodded and looked back forward. We kept quiet for a while. Then she looked back at me. I only saw her out of the corner of my eye.
    "I'm Ruby by the way. You are?"
    "Bunker. Tye Bunker. But call me whatever you want, sweetcheeks." I smirked at Ruby.
    "Fan of James Bond or what?"
    "James, who?"
    "You haven't heard of James Bond?!" She hit my shoulder lightly. "You're missing out."
    "Listen, I don't watch much TV."
    "Then, you should totally come over and watch it with me."
    "You're asking me on a date? You do realize we met only 3 minutes ago, right?" The bus pulled into the school parking lot, coming to a stop outside the school doors.
    "I know that, but I'd like to make some friends. And you seem like you have none, so you looked like a good start." Ruby stopped and I raised an eyebrow at her, standing up, getting ready to leave. She froze in her footsteps, outside the bus. "I didn't mean that like you have no friends, I meant it as you looked lonely all by yourself at the back of the bus."
    "I can assure you, I am not lonely... I have friends. They just don't go here."
    "I'm sure you do." She scoffed. "What class do you have?"
    "History, with Cuff."
    "Same here. Could you show me to his classroom?"
    "Sure. I just gotta stop at my locker."
    "Okay. I'll come with you." Ruby looked so cheery. She didn't understand that I had​ to put my... Uh, superhero stuff in there.
    "You sure you want to do that?" I raised an eyebrow.
    "It's just a locker, it's not like you're selling drugs... Are you selling drugs?"
    "I'm low, but not that low." I huffed. "God, I didn't think I look like a druggie."
    "You don't, but so far, you have been really mysterious." I started to the direction of my locker, and she sure enough, followed me.
    "Just how I grew up, I guess."
    There was a long pause as we got to my locker. I put in my locker combination, and started to open my backpack. I turned to Ruby, she wasn't looking, so I slid in my leather jacket, and hood. Then I heard a loud gasp. I looked at Ruby again. "What's wrong?" I reached to my pocket that I kept my pocket knife in for safety reasons.
    "That girl. Her name is Brinn Lee." Ruby pointed to a girl on the other side of the hall.
    I moved my hand away, and quickly shut my locker, so people won't look in it and see my hood. "What about her?"
    "Oh... She went to my other school. She's a total bitch. Just watch out for her." I looked at Ruby. Like a girl could scare me off. "Shoot, she's coming over here. Act chill."
    "I am chill." I scoffed, so quiet I doubt she even heard me. And watched her walk over to where we were standing. She had short blonde hair, and a fit figure, but she was shorter. She had on ripped jeans and a cropped shirt.
    "Oooh, Ruby. I didn't know you had such a good eye for boys. What is his blood type, O?" Brinn said softly. "Nice." Compliment about my blood type? Okay...
    "I was just hanging with him. We have the first class together. Nothing more." Ruby retorted.
    "He's actually pretty cute." Brinn leaned into me. "What's his name?"
    "Tye. And that's close enough, sweetheart." I said, reaching out and grabbing her shoulder, keeping her from getting any closer to me.
"Oh, he also has a temper. However do you find these guys?" Brinn stepped back, away from me. 
"Just leave us alone, Brinn." Ruby stepped in between Brinn and me.
"Fine. But I'm watching you. Always watching." She glared at me, then Ruby. After of a minute, she walked away.
She left me and Ruby alone again. I looked at her, and smiled. "Please tell me you got that reference?" She questioned me.
"Nope. I still don't get it." I laughed. Wait. Laughed? That's how I remember it. She was the only one to make me laugh in a long time, let alone smile. A true smile. I haven't done that in years.
"Monster's Inc., man. Come on. You have to get one eventually."
"I still don't watch a lot of TV." Which isn't a lie. I mean, at Dick's we watch a lot of Criminal Minds. But Dad says it is more important for me to stay in shape then watch some shitty TV show. So, I workout a lot more then I watch TV. I have to hand it to him, I'm glad I don't watch TV. Some kids at this school are totally obsessed with TV shows that have no purpose to them.
The bell rang, leaving the hallway echoing for a minute. I started walking to Cuff's class, Ruby following behind me. We didn't say anything, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. We got to class, and there was a seating chart pulled up on the screen at the front of the room. Ruby sat in front of me. We sat through all of class with nothing but petty conversation, here and there. Cuff talked about what we need for the class, like an average first day of school.
I continued on throughout the day. The bus ride home, Ruby sat by me. I don't remember much about that conversation, other than she wanted to hang out with me sometime. So she pulled out her phone, and actually started looking up dates about when we could.
"Are you free next Friday?" She asked me.
"Uh..." Friday was the day I picked to patrol Gotham, but I'm sure Hunter and Shaylee would take it. They need some practice anyway. "Probably."
"Can you come over and hang out with me?" She looked at me. She had this soft look in her eyes. Not like babydoll eyes, but she was clearly really wanting to be friends with me. And honestly, that was amazing. Not a lot of people wanted to be friends with me. I was the weird outcast kid. I was the kid at the back of the classroom that no one noticed. The one that said nothing, and showed up with bruises. Someone even said once that he thought I was getting abused at home, and I had to explain that I just did a lot of boxing, which isn't a lie, might I add. I did do boxing, as training.
"I'd love to. I will have to ask my dad though."
"Okay. Sweet. It'll be fun."
After that I pull a blank. We probably talked about some sort of High City thing, or maybe even movies I haven't seen, yet. She would've known what we did. Ruby remembered everything. And I mean everything. She was good like that. I could talk about her all day, but let's move on with this story. I'm sure you want to get to the good part. 

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