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The shed is small. It looks like a mini house with a porch. On the porch there is a chair, and a couple plants. The shed is yellow, there is the window in the front. When you walk in you see a chair sitting there, and totes up and down the walls. In the corner rabbits, but when I walk in I see something different. I see the demon sitting in the chair, waiting...for me. Taunting the rabbits, the poor poor rabbits. They see him to I can tell.

9:00am I get up walking to the shed, on the stones. I didn't want to go, but I can't control it. When I walk in he's sitting there waiting for me. He walks to the rabbits, pulls a knife out of no where. "Say bye to this bunny" he says I'm a deep voice. I look away, I look back he's gone and the bunny is perfectly fine. I know when I look behind me he will be there, and there he is. He pushes me into the chair, and ties me up. That's when he bites me. 30 seconds after he gets enough of my kicking, he stops. He whips out his claws, the two claws slowly start cutting in my skin. I want to kick and scream, but I can't. When he gets done he walks out the door. The rope is gone, but the bite cut is there. My illusion has came to an end. Only 5 minutes, but feels like an hour. I get up and walk out.

"Another nightmare?" My grandma asks. I nod. She's making breakfast, pancakes. She flips them. We all fall silent, besides grandpas T.V. She puts the pancakes on my plate put one slice of butter, and pours the syrup out. She does this with the other two plates laid out nicely, for us to eat on.

When breakfast is over, I walk back to the shed. I don't dare go in. I sit on the chair out front, hoping for a dream so this mornings nightmare would leave my mind. No dreams come. The shed is where most of my illusions happen, and where I spend most of my time. Annabella Nicole Thomas, my sister comes to me. She sits down, we are totally silent. She stares at the shed, its our whole world. The cat walks in the shed, probably to see the rabbits. We sit here for hours, she knows every illusion I have had, she is there for them. She's not there for the nightmares. She believes me about how I think the demons real. She knows the marks, and she doesn't like to talk about my nightmares.

When my sister gets up to leave, she comes and hugs me. We are still in silence. She walks a way as slow as she can. She walks back to the shed, walks in and grab the cat that walked in there moments before. When they have walked in the house, a dream starts to hit. The shed turns to rainbows, and when I walk in no demon. This is definitely a dream.

After the dream its time to leave the shed, I hugs it goodbye as if it's a human. I love this shed. I walk away to the house to tell Annabella Nicole Thomas about my dream. She loves my real life dreams ( illusions). We ended up making a name for the shed. The sleeping shed, because I have nightmares and dreams there.

It's 6:00pm now it time for my nightmare. Not wanting to I walk to the sleeping shed, and there goes my nightmare. Same thing that happened before, and the wound that I have on my arm gets deeper. When I walk back in the house grandma sees the blood dripping from my arm. She wraps it up, and says "tomorrow we are going to see a real doctor for the wound and we are taking Dr.Trimtolie". I agree. The wound gets worse and worse as the day goes by. At night before I go to bed I rewrap my arm hoping for a better result in the morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2017 ⏰

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