Chapter #1

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Tomorrow's Rove's anniversary, hope she remembers...
I'm going to pick Chloe up at Thomas's, she's been there for almost a week.
Anyway, I uploaded my song "Don't Shoot" not long ago, I don't know if anybody's noticed but it's about Chloe and the situation she's in right now. She's been traveling for a while, not to mention that all the traveling has been along Thomas. So that's why I wrote the song and I think my favorite line is when I say "you got the best of me, now do you think less of me " because I truly believe that, or when I say "I'm not the one who keeps running back to you" because she does run back to me whenever she feels like it and I don't hate it, I actually appreciate it, but I don't really like to see her wasting her time with that Thomas guy, everybody thinks Chloe's dating him, the perfect Scottish guy named Thomas, but no, she's just trying to help him get more fame, she has a whole contract signed. It's been really cool having her around anyway, nobody knows we're together when she's with Thomas, at least most of the time, she's my rock and she says I'm hers, the only thing that I've seen in her lately is that she's acting a little different and I've been trying to figure out what it is but she won't tell me, maybe we'll go back to public and see but I really think the problem's Thomas, when she's with him, something just feels off, now all I know is that they're not together for sure, but I'm not always there when she's with him, which worries me because she won't tell me what happens between them when they're alone, no offence to him, but he's kinda sketchy and you might think I'm saying that Because I'm jealous, but no, it's not that, there's actually something really weird in him, I feel like he's using Chloe, she's under some kind of weird spell. When Chloe and I broke up, which was only for about a month, she wasn't really talking to anybody about anything, including her mom, which is really weird, she's never been that weird before and the only addition to her friend's list is Thomas and that's why I think her being with him feels off, though he's not a bad guy in general, or at least he doesn't look like one... When I'm with Chloe, at least. I've been trying to tell her that he might not be what she thinks he is. But the worst thing is that I know she's hiding something from me, here she comes...

Ryan's aalways telling me to keep an eye open when Thomas is around because he might not be what he seems to be, he's a good guy, though there is something undiscovered about him, something weird, but I always take it as something that's completely normal, everyone's got their own little secrets, right? Even though this one's pretty... Odd, or at least it feels like it, anyway, I still like to spend time with him when Ryan's not around. I know Ryan's trying to protect me but he can't control my life, thank God he hasn't done that yet, he does let me be me and I deeply appreciate that, I love that he loves me because of who I am and not who he wants me to be, but sometimes he's also giving me stupid warnings, I do feel different but that doesn't mean I'm lost and he's said that a lot of times and even though I don't know if I'm lost or not, I don't hate the way I feel, I could get used to it, I do feel off guard sometimes but it's not something to worry about, when I'm around Thomas I do feel kinda loved and I know I've been spending a lot of time with Thomas lately instead of with Ryan but I'm OK with that, Thomas actually travels a lot and I go after him sometimes and he takes me to places like restaurants, museums and stuff like that, I think we're mailing that fake couple thing, everyone thinks we're together, which is pretty good for both of us because we earn some money out of it, as long as people keep following him and he gets more Fame, we get paid because of the contract we signed. I'm getting in the car right now, I'm going back home with Ryan, he looks a little sad so before I said anything, I kissed him and he kissed back, we enjoyed the kiss for a while and then I pulled away to ask him what was wrong because I was curious, so I asked, looking at him in the eyes "Ry, what's wrong, babe?" he looks away and says "nothing..."  but he's clearly lying, I won't buy it, he looks way too sad for it to be nothing, I gently hold his chin and move his face toward mine, he rolls his eyes to look at me because he was still looking away, and when he finally looks at me, I tell him "Ry, tell me" he took a deep breath while looking away, then he finally answered "tomorrow's our anniversary... You didn't even remember" I gulp, while looking in his eyes, he was right, I had forgotten our own anniversary, if I hadn't, I would've hopped in the car super excited saying "tomorrow's our anniversary, babe" like a thousand times, he'd always sat it with me and we'd keep on till we left the car to get in the house, holding hands, looking at each other and smiling. Then I looked away as fast as I could and my eyes were wide open, I nod slowly and almost start to cry, I still can't believe I forgot our own anniversary, this relationship had been and still is the most important. Ryan's right, I just didn't listen, I've been forgetting everything since I first started hanging out with Thomas, maybe it's time to let go of him, I think he got what he wanted, maybe all I did was change, but not for good and that's why I felt so lost, and I have to thank Ryan for keeping me safe and still letting me be without taking over me when I was lost, this is not the first time he saves me, and I know it isn't the last one either, I'm super lucky to have him as my boyfriend/fiance and thanks to him, I found myself, now that I found myself again, I can be what I once was. I look back at Ryan and ssmile at the way he looked at me once I turned around. When we finally got home, but were still in the car,  I got closer to him with my eyes barely open, he does the same and when I finally close my eyes completely, his lips smash onto mine, all of a sudden, I feel like I miss him. I keep my eyes closed during the kiss until we pull away, then I look into his eyes, he does the same and we both smile, I bite my lip, he bites his and for the first time in quite a while, I feel like I need him more than ever, I've always felt that way but this time it felt way more powerful, then I ask myself "what would I do without him?" And I can't think of an answer. After 5 minutes, we stop looking at each other and then come out of the car so we could go home, that's when everything got better...

Chloe and I came in our house and she instantly kissed me, I told her that when we got home, we could do whatever she wanted to and for the first time in a while, I felt like she actually wanted me, like she wasn't even thinking about anything or anybody else. I guess she finally snapped out of it!! Once I stop thinking about it and focused on Chloe, who was right in front of me, looking in my eyes like she used to, I think I fell more in love with her, which I don't think is even possible but I am, the look in her eyes, her gorgeous smile, gives me everything I need to survive, that's literally all I need to keep me up when I'm down, when I'm with her, and we're alone, the world turns around and it feels like a totally different place, a place everyone would want to live in.
She smiles at me again, I blush, she does too when she sees my smile, then she bites her lip and kisses me again. I take her hand and we both run upstairs to our room, I close the door behind Chloe and I kiss her while she takes my shirt off, I ignore what she's doing, since I know where she's going with him and keep kissing her until the shirt reaches my neck and I end up shirtless, I won't stop her, it's been a long time since the last time we did it. I look in her eyes again and she looks in mine, we both smiled and she was biting her lip, I was doing the same, forgetting the world's existence, falling more and more in love with every second that goes by. When my shirt landed on the floor, I started taking hers and she didn't hesitate even once, we kissed once more and the next thing I know happened was that we were having a great time.

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