Flash placed a hand on the bus, blocking Diana's view of the boy with his arm. "You gonna be okay? I know Jesse's pretty pissed with you and mom's probably gonna say some bullshit about me."

"Yeah, I'll be fine," she breathed, "Flash, I'm sorry about what just happened, that wasn't fair. I-I mean, Peter completely dropped you guys, he shouldn't just be given first chair, where's the morals in that?"

Flash smiled tightly. "It's like dad said, I'm always gonna be second to Parker."

"Flash..." she whispered, watching as he walked towards the bus door.

"Text me, I don't wanna be bored. I'll see you there, 'kay?" he called out, jumping in and finding a seat.

Mr. Harrington poked his head out to look at her. "You wanna ride with us, Diana, Mrs. Thompson already informed me that you and the family will be going down for the weekend as well."

Diana glanced towards the windows of the bus. If she rode with them she'd have the opportunity to ask Peter what he's planning as well as keep the peace between him and Flash. She'd also be able to talk to Liz whom she hadn't spoken to since she pretty much ruined her party.

She shook her head. "No, thanks, Mr. Harrington, I'm good. Thank you, though."

"Alright," he said, "But if you change your mind, I can have Flash text you when we hit one of our rest stops and you can hop in, okay?"

She nodded, smiling. "Yeah, alright. Thanks."

"Sure. Ride safe."

"You too."

With that, the bus roared to life and Diana moved to the side to avoid the fumes. She watched as it inched away, walking towards Jesse who was waiting by the door to the school, eyes glued to her phone.

"Mom's here," she said, not looking up at her.

"Jesse," Diana said, "I'm sorry."

The younger girl raised her head up to look at her. "What makes Flash more important than me?"

Diana gripped her shoulders, feeling her throat begin to close. She didn't mean for this to happen. She was supposed to keep everyone safe, Jesse included.

"He's not. I just didn't realize. I'm sorry."

Jesse turned away. "Okay. Let's go."

º º º º º

The ride down was the most painful four hours of Diana's life. It took Jesse about an hour to finally forgive her and start a game of UNO, only to give up after a surprise lurch caused the cards to go flying everywhere. Rosie seemed to be tense the entire time, her mind obviously occupied with other things.

"I still can't believe Flash would disrespect his father like that," she scoffed at one point, "I expected better of him."

Diana glanced over at Jesse whose hands were balled into tight fists. Rosie had always taken Harrison's sides during times like this and it always baffled Diana at how she was able to. Nicky explained that Rosie had it difficult too, the toxic relationship clouding her judgement, but it was still hard to stomach at times.

She tried not to think back to the time when Rosie and Flash got into one of their biggest arguments which took place a few weeks after Harrison's arrest. Unfortunately, it came back like a tidal wave.

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"I hate him," Flash mumbled, staring hard at his plate. Rosie had made some comment about Harrison's trial, hoping that he would get out soon.

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