The true thot

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Bang,bang,bang open the door Qua im sorry i wont talk to hea nomore. I promise, give me another chance. keisha was wiping hea tears .

Takeisha was the daughter of Tavian and Lakeisha Miller. Takeisha a..k.a keisha had 2 other siblings tasha (10) and takea(12). Keisha was an all A student she made honor roll 4 times every school year. Keisha (15) started hanging around some friends in 8th grade that made her do things for money or just for the fun of it. One day keisha and somr of her friends was at the mall and they seened a old woman strugling down the stairs. keisha was going to help the old woman but one of keisha's "friends" told her if she make the old woman fall down the steps she could be down with their crew. At first keisha did not know what to do help her or push her, but keisha thought about how she wanted to be down with the crew so she pushed her. As soon as she pushed her the mall cops was running towards her way her so called friemds didnt help her they just ran and left keisha by herself.

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