gay scale.

79 6 9

Asked by stopthatsgay. On a scale of gay to gay how gay.

Dad: well I'm not attracted to women, I have a husband, I'm male, so pretty gay.

L: did you just ask that question?

Dad: oh god no.

L: I, am so gay that I can smell other lesbians. There are more things I can say but I won't. So its overflowing.

Dare from stopthatsgay. L flirt with anxiety in front of prince.

Dad: oh no.

L: my pleasure.

L: *goes out to living room.

Dad: I'll watch this.

Vergil: hey L.

Prince: hi what brings you here.

L: *sits next to anxiety.* even though you all have the same face, how do manege to be the hottest one here.

Vergil: *blushes* wh-what.

Prince: *peeks out of kitchen*

L: *puts hand on thigh.* I was wondering how you're the most attractive one.

Vergil: *blushes.* I- uhh.


L: okay bye. *leaves.

Vergil: dad have you been there the hole time.

Dad: yeah.

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