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The book is so hard to read. I keep getting distracted and the words are so small its all in one ear out the other. How can I read Lord of the rings if I can't remember anything about it? Hahhh. How do even people? I'm reading the prologue and I know the rest is easier but the prologue is so hard to remember and I don't want to grab the book every time I want to know something about hobbits. This has never happened to me before. I can remember when the book was written. I know that easily and I read it once, I'll have to read this multiple times to remember much. I remember so much but when I'm reading it I don't remember at all! Ik I say I have a memory of a goldfish, and that's halfway true. It's only obvious things that I can't remember. How do even people? How??? I am a really good reader, I read my dad's textbooks when he was in school. How is it that a really good book, a book presumably easy to read can be so hard?

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