Chapter 15 - Running Away

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Sayuri pov:

"I won't let you leave this palace alive." Nakago said and sent out a blast of blue energy at us.

Chichiri reacted much quicker than me, probably because he had seen Nakago's powers before and knew what to expect, and he pulled me out of the way along with him before the ground where we stood was blown up into smithereens.

"Energy blasts?" I asked more to myself when we landed a few feet away from where the ground had been struck.

"We can't get hit by one of those, you know? It's bad news." Chichiri said.

"Do you really think you can avoid my attacks forever, Warrior of Suzaku?" Nakago bellowed and sent out multiple blasts at us which we somehow managed to avoid. "Blasts aren't the only powers I have!"

Chichiri and I gasped as we were lifted off the ground and thrown back. Chichiri having powers similar to that of Nakago managed to break the spell and skid to a halt several feet away. I on the other hand felt the wind knocked out of me as my back met with the wall of the palace's external hallway. I fell to my knees coughing and hearing Chichiri call for me to ask if I was doing okay. I looked up and managed a nod but that one moment of distraction to Chichiri cost him gravely.

My eyes went wide as Nakago sent out more of his energy blasts and Chichiri yelped getting caught between the chaos.

"Chichiri!" I called out worried as I stood.

The dust cleared up a bit and I got a glimpse of Chichiri. He coughed and jumped away from Nakago, putting some distance between them. But his escape was in vain because Nakago teleported to where he was and kneed him in the gut. Chichiri gasped in pain and stumbled and Nakago used the chance to grab him by the hair and straighten him up before sending a blast at his face at point blank distance. Chichiri was thrown back against a tree and the mask that he usually wore, having been torn by the impact, fell off to reveal the scar over his left eye.

"Did you really think I would let you escape? Did you think you even had a chance to?" Nakago sneered while walking closer to Chichiri.

Chichiri wobbled up but was thrown back against another tree violently by Nakago's life force. Wanting to help somehow, I tried to run towards them but I was stopped by hair and feathers wrapping themselves around my limbs and torso. Glancing back, I saw Tomo standing there with a frown and his hair and feathers extending towards me.

"Let go of me, you freak!" I screamed and struggled but he tightened the restraints.

"You say that you don't support any one side particularly and yet, look at how you're edging to go help that Suzaku Warrior." He scoffed and yanked me back a bit.

"Shut up! Chichiri is my friend! It's obvious I would go to help him! I would have helped you or Nakago if you were in trouble too!" I retorted angrily.

"Hmph! I find that hard to believe." He said while closing his eyes.

I looked back at Chichiri and Nakago for a moment when Chichiri screamed again and a look of horror crossed my face when I saw Nakago send him flying against a boulder. He was being hit too many times and it had caused him to get too many injuries on his body, all enough to make him cough up blood. If Nakago hurt him anymore, he wasn't going to survive! I had to do something to stop him!

Since Tomo was pulling me towards himself to restrain me, I pushed back on my feet and rammed against him. He was mildly surprised by my change of plans and I was able to make him let go of me by sending a powerful punch to his breastbone. When I was out of his hair, literally, I left him as he was now kneeling on the ground and clutching the spot where I had punched him, and I ran to the courtyard to where Nakago and Chichiri were.

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