Chapter 2: Home Alone

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Patrick and I stood there, staring at each other, in which it felt like 10 minutes. Or maybe even longer. Even though he looked like he just rolled out of bed, he still looked pretty sexy to me.

"Hey Pete! That was fast! Sorry that I look this way. I haven't had the chance to shower and properly groom myself." He said.

"Oh that's okay! You still look pretty sexy..." I immediately stop myself as I had realized what I just said.

I felt sorry and embarrassed for what I said. Patrick was blushing so bad, that his face looked redder than an apple. His face could be the target for a bull! Instead of waving a red flag, just put Patrick on the spot — wait what the fuck am I thinking?!?!

"I am so sorry Patrick... I didn't mean to embarrass you!" He looks at me for a moment and then laughs. I was shocked. "No that's okay!! In fact I'm actually flattered!" He smiles at me warmly and my embarrassment just flushed over me like it never happened. "Come in!" I followed in behind him and shut the door behind us. As I walked around the house, I noticed it was empty. I couldn't decide whether or not if I should be excited or be really nervous. Then again, why should I be nervous? I am hanging out with my number one best friend in the entire world!! There is nothing wrong with having a little crush on him right? RIGHT?! I nod.

"Right!" I said. Patrick turns around to look at me.

"What?" He says.

"I... Uhm..." I began to search for words to say. "I said white! Because you have a lot of... uh... white walls!" He scrunches his eyebrows as he looks at me. "Uh... thanks?" He laughs it off and turns back around and walks to the basement as I let out a sigh of relief.

I follow down behind him and sit down on the couch. He sits close to me and turns on the tv. My heart begins to beat out of my chest and I began to feel myself throbbing. I cross my legs to hide it, hopping Patrick wouldn't see. "I hope you don't mind I invited someone else over." He looks at me as I shake my head. "Not at all!" He smiles at me again. I nervously smiled back and asked, "Are you going to turn the movie on?"

"Not yet. I'm waiting for my friend to come over as well. He's going to watch it with us."

"Oh okay!" Time goes by as we both sit there silently and awkwardly. Finally, Patrick breaks the silence.

"So what are your plans for this summer?"

"Nothing really. Haven't given it much thought."

"Well I was thinking about going to Vegas for a little bit. Maybe you would like to come?"

I smiled to myself.

"Of course!! I'd love to!"

"Great! We might stay there for a good month to a month in a half."

I nod.

"Oh that's fine! I could use a little get away with my favorite person in the world!"

I place a hand on his leg and we both look down at it. The bulge in my pants was throbbing and I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to do it. I've been wanting to do it for so long. I just couldn't control myself anymore. I slide my hand down his inner thigh and we both look at each other, locking eyes. He opens his mouth to say something but I quickly shut him up by kissing him firmly. At first he hesitated, but then I slowly felt him kiss me back. I laid Patrick down on the couch still kissing him. I took his shirt off, then my shirt and threw it on the floor. I gently kissed his neck, then his collar bone, then his chest, then his stomach, just stopping at his pant area. As I kissed his body, I could hear Patrick moaning ever so slightly and I smile to myself, knowing I'm doing the right thing. I began to kiss him again. Only this time, this kiss was passionate. I could feel the spark and connection between us. It's like what I've always dreamed of... what I've always hoped for. And that time has finally come. I gently bit his lip and started to leave heart shaped hickeys on his neck. I could tell Patrick felt a bit uncomfortable about having sex because his friend could show up any minute at his door step. All we ever did was made out and playfully tease each other.

"God you are so fucking hot Patrick." I smile at him as he blushes.

"T-Thank you Pete." He sits up and I straddle him.

I tangle my fingers in his hair and pull his head back, gently. I stuck my tongue out and lightly licked his body, moving downwards. As I did so, I noticed the bulge in his pants as well. As I looked up at him, his cheeks turn red as he realizes what I just saw.

"Now look what you done! You're going to have to fix that!" He nervously said, devilishly smiling.

I laugh.

"Oh you really think so?"

As Patrick smiles, his blue eyes begin to glisten in the light like a nice beautiful Caribbean water. "Patrick there's something I gotta tell you and this has been staying with me for YEARS." He sits up and looks at me nervously. "Okay?" He says. I sit next to him and take his hand and pull him close.

"Patrick, I've had this MASSIVE crush on you since the 9th grade and well... I can't believe it took me this long to say it but... I love you Patrick Stumph."

He looks at me with confusion.

"Wait what?" Is all he said.

"Don't you love me back?"

"I-I don't know Pete... I mean... you're awesome and all but I don't know if I'm ready."

I look at him with hurt in my eyes as he puts his shirt back on. I have never felt so humiliated in my life! This day couldn't get any worst, or so I thought. Patrick and I both heard the door bell ring and he quickly got up. I sat there with my head in my hands, fighting back the tears. I quickly get my shirt on and stand up as I hear Patrick and see him walk down the stairs with someone. It was someone I'd thought I'd never see again... someone I'd hope to never run into... the minute he got downstairs, we met eye contact. His mouth had dropped open and I had nothing to say to him. All I could think of was the person who standing right in front of me. And that was:


**A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed my last two chapters!! I am really tired right now and feel like this is terrible! It is currently 2:30 in the morning and I am tired asf!! Anyways I hope you enjoy it! What do you think will happen next? Find out in the next chapter! Goodnight/Good morning peeps! Love ya❤️~Mia K

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