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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
— September 5th, 2017 —

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania — September 5th, 2017 —

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"Little TK!" Claude exclaimed with a smile. Lila entered the rink right behind her brother, Travis, who they nicknamed 'TK.' Ever since Travis started playing for the Flyers she tried her best to come to practices. He often didn't let her, but sometimes she won the argument. The whole team were all her big brothers alongside Travis.

Lila smiled at the boys that she hadn't seen in what seemed like forever. She had begged Travis to let to her come to the practice today just to see the guys. She scanned the faces of the boys and noticed a few unfamiliar, yet still familiar, faces.

Nolan shifted on his skates as he saw Lila look over at him. He was told Lila was a girl not to mess around with because of how close the team was with her. She was Travis' little sister after all. He knew that the guys would be keeping a close eye on him to make sure he wasn't getting too close to her since they were the same age.

"Is that Mr. Second Overall?" Lila spoke with a smile. Her smile made Nolan's knees go weak. He saw Ivan smirking at him out of the corner of his eye. Ivan was Nolan's best friend, having that they were both on Brandon together.

"Yeah," Nolan said and slightly smiled at the brunette girl. If he didn't know that Lila was a year younger than Travis he would've thought they were twins. They both shared the dark brown hair and the bright blue eyes. Even though Lila wasn't as tall as Travis she was still short, another thing they had in common.

Travis carefully watched Nolan as he looked over at Travis' baby sister. He hoped nothing would happen between the two. Yes, Travis loved Lila. He was grateful he got a sister he could tolerate. Yet he also liked being away from Lila sometimes, so if Nolan and Lila were to date she would be around a lot more.

"Lila, did you hear about the photographer opening?" Shayne had asked. Lila looked up at him, her eyebrows furrowing. Of course Travis didn't tell her about it. She thought he was embarrassed to be around her, so if she were to work for the team she would be around more. At least, that's what she had thought. She didn't know Travis absolutely adored his little sister, but he was a young adult that needed time away from his family sometimes.

"No, Travis didn't tell me," She responded, looking over to glare at her older brother. He shrugged his shoulders causing Lila to roll her eyes. If she rolled her eyes one more time today they would most likely fall out of her head.

"Why would I?" He laughed half jokingly. "Lils I love you and all, but you are my little sister. I wanna be away from you sometimes," Travis said and Lila frowned. She always looked up to him and here he was basically pushing her away.

Nolan shifted his weight from one skate to the other as he watched the two siblings exchange glares. He never argued with his sisters, Maddie and Aimee, like this.

"Don't worry about it, Nol," Ivan whispered from besides him. "Travis loves Lila. He's just stressed right now because Hakstol is talking about demoting him to the third line. He often takes his anger out on Lila by accident or here at practice." Nolan nodded and licked his lips. Just then Dave Hakstol came out of the tunnels.

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