The first day as lab partners

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Spencer quickly took her seat, as she waited for Toby Cavanaugh to walk in and sit down next to her. She took deep breaths and tried to think of the positives of the situation. About 2 minutes later Toby walked in and took his seat next to Spencer.
"Hi Toby, I'm Spencer."
"I know exactly who you are, you don't have to pretend to be nice to me. I know that you hate me, just like everyone else in this town."
"Wait, what? I'm trying to be nice, and for the record I don't hate you. I barely know you. Just because I'm friends with Alison doesn't mean that I hate you, Ali might run this school. But I can have other friends."
"Wow, you want to be my friend? That's a change of events. You sure you don't want to ask Mr.Willowburg for a new seat? I would hate to see your perfect reputation get ruined."
"Toby I know I don't know everything about your life. But I can tell you something about mine. My life isn't perfect, my family is messed up, and I'm dealing with a lot more than I let people realize. I just thought you could use a friend and I could use a friend outside of Alison and the others."
"Maybe I will take you up on that offer, but we should probably start listening to the teacher."

After 30 minutes of listening to the teacher ramble on and on about the basics of chemistry it was finally time to go to lunch, as Spencer got up she said goodbye to Toby and slipped him a piece of paper. As Toby opened the folded sheet of paper it said "6307962356 call me anytime - S" Toby read it and smiled. As for Spencer maybe she was wrong about Toby.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2017 ⏰

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