Chapter 22

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Steph pov

We were in Morris house cz Zaya said he needa tell us sum. They already released Renz from the hospital so hes w us. Gray wasnt w us i asked him where he was going he said he was going w some of his other friends

Me: What u needa tell us Zaya?

Nathan: i think ik already

Zaya: yea u do Nate. Ok When we was w Renz in the hospital Gray was w us cz Steph was there & then he got a phone call, he stepped outside to answer it & i followed him cz sum going on w tht kid. & i was right he was talking w Zavi & i recorded him

Kam: what?!! No he cant

Lex: why would Gray...

Zaya pulls out his phone & shows us the video

Me: wtff. So he did help Zavi

Teo: tht lil afro headass!!

Malik: ik he looked suspicious for sum

Me: but why would he--

Kam: Gray??!

Lex: what!!?

Malik: he helped Zavi cz Ayleo shipped Steph & Renz the most & Ayleo never liked Gray & ig Gray kinda knew tht

Renz: well tht is tru Ayleo did ship Steph & I the most

Zaya: i have a plan sl we can get him back & also Zavi.

Malik: whats the plan bro?

Zaya: ok we aint gon tell Gracian we know tht he helped Zavi cz then he gon tell Zavi & it gon get things even worse. & also Zavi said the next one who he was gon kill is Renz or Teo

Teo: Wtff! Whats the plan

Renz: u serious? I just got out of the hospital!

Zaya: ok so we aint gon tell Gray nun. Ok Kamden?

Kam: *sighs* alright i wont tell him nun

Zaya: ok so Kamden whenever he going somewhere u gon ask him where & if he don't tell u u just call us & we'll follow Gracian

Kam: ok alright

Zaya: Steph. Since he "loves" u, u gon say sorry for breaking up w him. & ask him if he wanna get back together so he u can check his phone & find out what they planning to do

Me & Renz: Whaat??!

Me: why would i want to get back w him after wht he did to Ayleo?

Renz: exactly!

Zaya: Steph plz. Do it for Ayleo

Me: *sighs* alright

Zaya: Teo & Malik & Renz simce Teo gets along w Gracian i want all yall to ask him questions & that'll probably scare him & then if doesn't tell u nun just leave him alone. & then Renz i want u to kinda get along w him u too Malik i want yall to get close to him

Malik: ayee i dont think i can do tht

Teo: me neither

Renz: yea me too

Zaya: Do it for Ayleo & Steph u guys

Them: alright

Teo: ok i'll do it

Sorry for the short chapter but i'll update later

Sorry if I made mistakes

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