When Dragons walk with Wolves (Sansa/You)

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Prompt: Robert was defeated in his rebellion against the crown and died at the hands of the now King Rhaegar Targaryen. Elia martell died so did her two younger children except for her and Rhaegar's eldest. Currently, the crown princess is the sole heir of the throne and is set to be bethrothed to the eldest daughter of Ned Stark.

Sansa's POV:

"Father, why should I be bethrothed to the Crown Princess? Isnt she the daughter of the man that is the reason of Aunt Lyanna's death?" I asked as we were resting on our last stop to King's Landing. "The king isnt the reason why your aunt is dead. Lyanna loved him so much that she risked her life giving birth to Jon". He turned to me and gave me one of his comforting smiles. "I have met the princess many times and I assure you, you will be in good hands. And I as your father, i would never put you in any situation that puts you in danger".

"If you really trust her Father, then I will trust her" I gave him a hug and didnt hesitate to return it back. "Pardon me for disturbing you milord, milady. But one of our soldiers went missing from our hunt just an hour ago" Theon stated as he panted infront of us. "Is there any signs or tracks of where he was last seen? " Father asked as he picked up Ice from its place beside him. "Only hoof marks from horses milord". "Very well ready my steed I shall lead the search party. " Theon nodded and ran to the horses.

"Father can I come with you? Lady can be a good help for the search" He looked at me as if he was contemplating what I said. "Alright but stay close to me".

No one's POV:

Little did the Starks know that their missing soldier was captured by a certain silver haired beauty during her own hunt with his Lord uncle. And they are currently interrogating him.

Yaenyra's POV:

"Isnt it a good day for a hunt my dear niece? " my uncle Viserys asked me as we were looking out for a wild boar roaming round these woods. "I agree Lord Uncle. Its just unfortunate how father isnt here with us" I told him with a slightly sad smile. "You should understand that your father has many duties in the kingdom. But rest assured, on the next hunt he will be with us" he gave me a reassuring smile which I gladly returned.

"Your grace! A wondering Northman has been caught by one of our soldiers near the borders" Murdock, my squire, informed me. "A northman? Why would a northman come to King's Landing?" I ask curiously to him. "Perhaps dear niece we should rest for awhile and interrogate the soldier" my uncle suggested as we came to a stop. "Very well. Bring forth the captive". Murdock nodded and made his way to the northman.


"Your Grace.. My lord.. This is the Northman we've seen on the borders" Murdock made the captive kneel before me. "What brings you here from the North soldier? " I asked as I saw him trembling with his eyes down. "Why you imbecile! Look at the princess while she's talking to you! " Ser Cosas, my uncle's personal bodyguard spat at the soldier infront of me. "It is alright Ser Cosas.. Let the poor thing take his time" i said as we waited for him ro answer. "I-i am a member of Lord Eddard Starks caravan your grace. We were meant to go to King's Landing for your bethrothal to Lady Sansa".

"Oh yes my dear niece I almost forgot today WAS the arrival of Lord Eddard Stark and his daughter. Daenerys told me about it this morning" My uncle massaged his temple. "You are certainly getting old my Lord uncle" I teased him as he gave me a chuckle. "Dont remind me please" i surpressed a giggle. "There's a party approaching! " one of the scouts shouted above the trees. "Are there any banners with sigils?" I shouted back. "A direwolf your grace!" That's the sigil of House Stark. "Very well. We will meet them. I think that they are searching for their missing man". Murdock readied my steed, Polyphus and I headed down to meet my future father in law.

Sansa's POV:

As we followed lady, we heard a distant sound of the trumpet and banners with a three headed dragon sigil waved through the air approaching us. My father gave the signal to a stop and suddenly we were faced with a silver haired woman- well I assume is a woman because she was well built and mature to look at- dressed in black and ruby red armor with the the three headed dragon right infront of her breastplate.

My father got down from his horse and kneeled infront of her. "Your Grace" he said and all of our men bowed down to her. "Lord Eddard! " she quickly got down from her horse and asked all of us to rise. "I havent seen you in awhile. How are you? " she gave him a genuine smile which I really find.. Attractive.

"I am well your grace and still guarding the north for you. I deeply apologize for this improper meeting" the princess just gave him a hearty laugh and patted his broad shoulder. "Need not to worry My dear Lord. We are still bound to meet. Improper or not". "I almost forgot your grace" he wet beside me and held a hand to let me down. I unmounted my steed and walked right beside my father.

"Allow me to introduce my eldest daughter. Lady Sansa Stark" she kept her gaze on me as if she is studying me. "It is an honor to meet you your grace" i made a deep bow right infront of her. "Oh believe me my lady.. I am more honoured to meet you. " she picked up my hand and gently kissed the back of it. I may never see it but I can definitely sense the warmness of my cheeks. "As much as I want to be enthralled by your beauty my lady we should ride to King's Landing. For I am sure my father is expecting you right now. " they completely agreed and the princess also requested that I should ride with her.

Hey my kinsmen! I know this a bit short but there would be part two to this. Have a good day y'all!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2017 ⏰

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