3 months later.

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Lilly pov
The jocular, jolly and jovial sun perched in the sky and effulgently shone upon the earth below. I was still desperately running, after a few days of hoping on and off buses I had finally got in touch properly with my wolf. This meant I had shifted, and boy was it painful. Every bone in my body snapped and reshaped, it had left me howling in agony but it was worth it. My wolf was beautiful. Pure glowing white fur covered my body, making my eyes become starkly contrasted, I was unique and I loved it.

My paws pounded on the floor as I leapt over a fallen tree. The Suns warm rays became dappled as they peaked through the emerald canopy. A soft breeze kissed my fur as the jewels above clicked softly as the breeze disturbed them. This was pure bliss.

I halted to a stop as I spied a running stream. I softly padded over to the stream, golden leaves from the Autumn just gone crunched beneath my paws. I quickly lapped at the water, allowing it to trickle down my throat quenching my thirst. A soft scuttling caused me to raise my head attentively incase it was another wolf, my fears however were unjust as it was only a sprightly squirrel scavenging for nuts. These were the moments I loved, the forest was so peaceful and calm. I never waned to leave.
I decided to keep running north as the sun would soon slip behind the horizon and be gone from sight. I wanted to find a nice shelter tonight in case the heavens opened up. My paws pounded on the floor as I leaped over fallen logs and ran along uneven ground. The wind whistled through my fur , cooling me down, as I began to heat up. 
Just as the sun began to slowly fall alway I discover a wide cave in the base of a hill. Perfect.

I curled up at the back of the cave, my head turned to the mouth of the cave incase any thing decided to make its way into the cave. The sky had turned ebony and twinkling stars shone above. I finally shut my eyes, and listened purely to the hooting of watchful owls. Finally, I drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

My head shot up, something was outside. I raised my nose to the air. A musky smell entered my nose...Werewolf's! I rapidly jumped  up, and bared my teeth threateningly. They were approaching. And fast. I couldn't do this. I couldn't fight other wolves, I had never learned any of this. My ears twitched as I heard the descending thump of six wolves. Before I knew it they were out side. I growled threateningly as I surveyed the wolves in front of me. They were all jet black with varied eye colour. Except one. He stood in the middle clearly taller and more aggressive than the others. He had a white patch over his eye and bared his gleaming teeth. I was fucked.
He was an Alpha and I had trespassed on his territory.

He swiftly turned into the the forest and reemerged a man. He stood at easily 6ft, russet skin covered his toned body along with dark glaring tunnels for eyes. His ebony hair was cut short on his head adding to his threatening appeal. His eyes landed on me and I felt my wolf take over and force me to bare my neck to the Alpha in submission and acknowledgement of his power. "Shift" he boomed, the Alpha command clearly present. Next to him the other five wolves tensed incase I disobeyed. Normally wolves can never disobey and Alpha command however a rogue can. And they can be extremely dangerous. I turned back into the cave, weary of leaving my back unprotected to the unknown wolves. Swiftly I shifted back into human form and quickly pulled shorts and black tank top on.  I approached the Alpha wearily, ready to flee in case he was hostile. "Why are you here ?" He asked, his voice taking a more gentle tone.
"I was rejected by my mate because I wasn't good enough " I heard  my own voice reply pitifully.  The alpha stared at me but not with hatred but kindness. An emotion I wasn't used to seeing. "What's your name ?" He questioned, after a moment of silence, I told him my name as I knew he meant no harm anymore. "Well I'm Blake and I would like to offer you a place in my pack, if you would like?" I was in shock. This was, well this was more than words could ever describe. This was my chance of home, this was my chance at a better life. Yet... Could I do this ? Could I go back to being in a pack? What if they treated me the same...I never want that again. Not now. Not ever. I knew he would want an answer and despite all that could happen, I knew that both me and my wolf wanted a pack more than anything. "I would love to join your pack, thank you so much. " I replied gratefully. I knew I would be forever in their debt.  A smile spread across Blakes face as I answered . "Well come to the pack!" He exclaimed gesturing to the wolves behind him, who were not just sat on the floor- their hostility long gone. He turned away and began to walk into the forest only stopping to tell me to hurry up. Excited, I grabbed my stuff and ran to catch up. This was the start of my new life and I couldn't wait.

So I've finally updated my second chapter sorry for the wait but I hope it's worth it.  

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