Ch 11. Losing at One's Own Game

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"Your highness won't regret it?"

"Never." She peaked from corner to corner as she stood behind the maids. When they noticed her, they all grabbed her arms, gushing at God knows what.

"Your highness." They burst into smiles again, letting her stand in the front. 

In front of her was a striking appearance. His eyes pierced whatever he attacked with his sword, concentrating with each movement. The way he handled the weapon was swift and quick. As each petal of magnolia came fluttering down around him, he managed to slice them with the sharp blade and prompt movements. 

Scarlet didn't even blink once as she eyes him admiringly just like how other girls are staring at him. Her heart flittered and danced with the magnolias by his side. Zexian probably didn't even notice her appearance since she looked nothing close to extraordinary. He didn't even spare her a glance because he was so concentrated. The expeditious leaps and strikes he made look so effortless, but she knew better. It was through hard work that he could make it look so easy. 

Unconsciously, her lips curled up and her hand went to her chest where her heart lies. She had to constantly remind herself that he was all Wuyan's. He was not hers. Never hers. "Be still, my beating heart. Please stop torturing me by beating so quickly." Scarlet took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying hard to regulate her pulse. 

But she couldn't deny that she would trade all the chests of gold and jewelry just to get a bit of his affection. Only for her and not Wuyan. Sometimes when she was alone, she thought, if she did not look like Wuyan or come from a prominent family, would they ever meet? Would he fall for a peasant like her? There were too many barriers...there's no way that would happen. 

On notice, Minhai jumped in to battle with his highness. He had always admired his highness for his  honorable sword skills, and he swore that one day he would learn everything to beat his master.

All of a sudden, there was a group formed and the crowd of maids cheered on for Zexian to win. Scarlet tightens her lip from rim to rim, narrowing her eyes. What a pity, no one was cheering for Minhai, so she would do it.

"Minhai! Minhai! Minhai!" Scarlet pumps her fist in the air and started to instruct the maids to lay down their bets.

"Isn't that gambling?" Lingli noted, "That is very unladylike, your highness!" She tried to stop her master from pushing it too far.

"Ayy! This is a chance to earn money. In life, I advise you, when there is money making chances, never let it slip away." Scarlet steps one foot on the round granite bench. Everyone nearly betted all their money on Zexian which was bad because even though she cheered for Minhai, it was obvious that Zexian's skills and admirable talent surpassed Minhai above many levels. This was not good. With such a great money making opportunity, there is no chance that she would lose.

"Ayy." Scarlet cried out, "Don't you see how talented Minhai is?" She points out. "His skills are taught by his master so there is no doubt that disciple will win eventually." She persuaded.

""Your highness!" Lingli pulls her sleeves, but Scarlet ignored the girl.

"Us Chinese have a saying: Indigo blue is obtained from the indigo plant, but such color is bluer than itself." She asserted, "I have known your highness for a long time, you have to trust me on this. Even though your highness is skilled, he has taught Minhai everything. With Minhai's intelligence and persistence, he has mastered everything." She pointed at the men, "Look! Minhai's swift movements had dodged the prince's killer moves. Whoa! That takes skills and intense training." She finishes off, "Minhai is who I would consider a true prodigy." 

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