Poison. (Medusa *Author-Chan's OC* x Reader)

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Just so you know... Medusa is a Russian. She was trained to be an assassin. She's been your friend since high school. And now, 5 years after you graduated from school, she still comes over to see you. But, one random day, this...


Medusa shoved you against the wall of your room, a switchblade to your throat.

"M-Medu-" You were cut off by a swift punch to the gut.

"SHUT UP, (Y/N)! AND STOP STRUGGLING!" Your 'best friend' demanded.

You held a firm grip on the knife, keeping it away.

"Wh-Why..." You choked.


So many questions.

All unanswered.

Eventually, Medusa tossed the blade.

"Your attempts to stay alive are futile!"

She lunged at you with a bottle.

Poison. Poison... Painful, and slow.

"P-Please, don't..." You whimper, using the small amount of strength you have left to push Medusa away.

You looked into her blue eyes.

What was that you see...? Remorse? Anger? Sadness?

Medusa forced you to look at her, truing to pry your jaw open.

"W-Wait!" You scream.

Medusa pauses.

"Speak. You have small amount of time."

"Your 'job'... Why do you have to kill me...?"

"I'm an... Assassin, (y/n). I was only pretending to like you. If you think your 'thunder buddy' is somewhere here, the Medusa you know is dead. Never alive."

"No... No, I know you don't want to do this!" You slink against the wall, staring up at the person you thought was your friend.

Medusa lunges at you.

You wrap your arms around her. It was a weird thing to do, but it felt right.

"Do not show me affection at a desperate attempt to live!"

A knee to the gut.

Hot tears stream down your face. 

Medusa throws the poison aside. 

"If that won't work, then I'll brutalize you."

You didn't exactly like the sound of being mangled.

You touch your lips to the Russian's.

Medusa pulls back.

"What the Hell!" Medusa spits.

You spoke feebly. "I love you, Medusa..."

Her pupils dilate. "Do not test me, (Y/N). I do not like liars."

"It's true! I'm sorry I've hidden it all this time..." You shiver. "I didn't want to die without you knowing..."

Medusa approaches you.

She lifts you up.




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