All of a Sudden

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I have no idea how it started. One minute I am enjoying my life as a teenager, I have the perfect guy, I go to the (almost) perfect school, and I'm living up my dreams. "Love is a losing game" Amy Winehouse once said and I guess that is the perfect way to put it. My name is Kristen and I'm 16. I have recently moved back to my original home town after moving away back in middle school. One of the worst mistakes I've ever made. Back in January I couldn't have imagined my life like this. Let me start from the beginning. I was hanging out with my local church group on a Thursday after our normal weekly service when Manny appeared. It wasn't my first time seeing him but it was my first time noticing him. I had forgotten my wallet that day so I was left watching everybody munch on Mcdonald's and I personally do not like it because I've watched super size me too many times but chicken nuggets seemed good and Of course Manny had a box. He saw me starring and offered and in my head I didn't wanna take it but my hand was already in the box and he was giving a speech about how he doesn't care about sharing his food and that eating in front of a person with no food makes him feel bad that it's another human being. That was a great first impression. I forgot what we had talked about that day but I remember I was recording for Snapchat and he added me and that was just the start of something I didn't see coming.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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