Chapter 10

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After that I was thinking about some things then I remembered what happened to frisk. There was a party and Frisk was with sans and she asked me if he could stay with sans. The bus stopped and betty came inside and sat next to me and we talked. I told betty what happen and we both remebered what happen. When frisk asked me one as really tired so I just said yes and didn't really listen. The bus stopped and Betty and I left the bus and went inside. Are lockers were far away from eachother so betty had to go to her locker. I put some of my things in it, I closed my locker then I turned around and I was thrown to the lockers and got kicked on the stomach. Then I looked up and so a group of bullies, he started to punch me then he stopped. "Do my homework. And if you get me a F ill beat you to death." He said and he gave it to me. I sighed and picked up my stuff and went over to class, the teacher saw me and told me to go to the nurses office. The nurse was always kind to me, she was like me other mother. Since my mom died my dad stopped caring for me, he yell out me kick me he even threatens me that if I break something or get in trouble he'll leave me on the streets and never come back for me, I got to the nurses office. She wasnt there so I sat down and waited for her to come, Then the nurse came in. "Oh Hello y/n." The nurse said. "Hi." I said. She saw all my bruises and scratches. "Y/n what happened to you?" She asked. I knew if I told that the bully beated me up he would probably do worse next time. "I-I just fell." I stuttered. She looked at me with disbelif.

Betty X Reader You're Mine FOREVER.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ