Chapter 1

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A/N : Imagine Severus however you want, but hes 20 right now, and he just took the mark.

It was raining at Hogwarts, and as Severus stares out the window, he finds himself feeling quite helpless. It isn't a new feeling. The pale yellow parchment in his grip is crumbled beyond recognition, but he can't help but to look down and watch the paper crinkle more in his tightening grip. Albus knows he's here. Albus is the reason he is here. He still remembers the message on the parchment in perfect clarity.

Dear Albus,

We were friends, once. And now I ask you a favor, in exchange for renewing said friendship. The Prince family turned traitor to the dark lord months ago, and as such, we have re-evaluated our views on the half blood heir of the family, the only heir. We know of his past, and his current affiliation with the Dark Lord. The dark mark cannot be removed and yet I feel we may still be able to save his soul. Perhaps a spy for the order? And a lord in the Ministry? He is young and ill informed. Allow him a chance.

Sincerely, Septimirius Prince

That old fool was letting a death eater into Hogwarts for redemption? If Severus didnt know the headmaster, he would think it was a trap. Dark chocolate eyes watch warily as the rain pours, thunder crashing occasionally, followed by a light streaking in the sky, brightening the dark corridor momentarily. "You always did like the rain." Comes a familiar voice. Severus goes rigid from head to toe. Brown eyes widen slightly, and he decides after a moment that he must be dreaming. The hand on his shoulder, though, tells him that Lily is indeed behind him.

"Why?" His voice is sharp and malicious and he had taken two and a half years to perfect his ability to make it so.

"Dumbledore thought it would be best if I did this. He knows you wont listen to him. He didn't think you would even come. Well, to be honest no one had." Lilys voice is still sweet and kind, and he struggles with himself. She hates him still, he knows this. This is about getting an upper hand on the dark lord, nothing else.

"You can't come back from this. I came to refuse.. No one defies the dark lord and escapes intact." His voice has lilted higher. He knows he sounds near hysterical but this argument was well rehearsed and meant for Dumbledore. Not Lily. Not the only person who had ever given him kindness.

"Severus—" Lily says, tightening her grip on his shoulder minutely.

"I am done speaking about this." He says, voice quiet. He turns, planning to slip through the secret passageway he had used to enter.. Unfortunately, he was met with the tip of Sirius Black's wand. He goes pale, and swallows thickly. "I should have known I wouldnt have a choice. Gryffindor's. Delusional, the lot of you."

"Guess you still haven't stopped being a coward, then, Snivellous." The old nickname doesnt sting anymore.

"Expelliarmous!" He's not helpless anymore, not against this mutt and his happy band of idiots, at least. Voldemort is a different story. He presses his wand to Blacks throat without a second thought. "Give me a reason Black. I would be so happy to end your miserable life."

"Death Eaters dont need a reason." Sirius says. He sounds angry and righteous as always. But is that confusion on his face? Sirius certainly doesnt understand. His old bat of a cousin would have smites him on sight.

"Perhaps you should re-evaluate. The world isn't split into good people and death eaters." The malice in his voice doesn't discredit his words, and from behind him Lily feels her heart lurch.

"I'm pretty sure it is, you greasy bastard. Now choose. Either the order and your grandfather, or Azkaban." James sneers, his wand on Severus.

"So, death by Cruciatous curse or death by Dementors Kiss? I think I'll take the kiss. Not like I have that many good memories to suck out in the first place." Severus says brazenly. He looks rather calm, staring James down as if shouting 'I dare you.'

"Does your really life mean that little to you?" Lily asks, feeling the sisterly love she'd buried five years ago once more.

"What would it matter if one more death eater died? It doesnt matter if I've never killed or tortured anyone. The mark is a larger crime than murder to you people." James seems to readily agree with this, or maybe he hadn't heard him at all. Either way, a hex that Severus composed rolls of his tongue with ease, and then Snape hits the wall behind him. His head cracks against the stone but it's nothing compared to the gash slashing diagonally through his torso. Who knew the noble James Potter would use Sectumsempra. Hilarious. Severus even laughs. When's the last time he laughed? Third year? James sneers and advances on him.

"Stop! Stop it!" Severus eyes widen as Lily throws herself in front of him, protecting him from James. "What's gotten into you?!" She shrieks. "You haven't been this cruel since before school ended! Listen to him! He's made mistakes, he's scared. He's cornered, James." She shoves him back a little, wedding ring glinting.

"Don't kick a man while they're down, Prongs." Remus says, softly.

"What? The hell is wrong with you people? He's a death eater! Right, Padfoot?" But Sirius is crouching beside Severus, having slipped past Lily at some point during her rant. Instead of hurting Snape he's murmuring an old spell he'd learned, in the almost sing song voice required, and healing the gash.

"The pain will linger for a while, like it never healed, but I suppose you know all about that." Silver eyes are looking at Snape with something akin to respect (regret, wariness, hate?) and then he says, in a soft tone, "It takes a lot of past pain to laugh off a serious injury. I would know." He remembers why they're there. The promise to Albus to be amenable to the slytherin. To give him a chance. And, even though his blood boils with deeply buried hatred, he offers Snape a hand. "Is your head alright?" Sirius replays the violence in his minds eye, remembers the ugly crack as Severus head hit he flagstones. How could James do such a thing? Stunning him, disarming him, he could see. But near fatally wounding him? That isn't how aurors work.

"I've had worse." He doesnt accept the hand. Sirius hadn't expected him to.

Lily turns to him and says, quietly, "You can use this to contact me, should you change your mind. Tap it three times. This night went worse than expected. Be careful, Sev."

Snape's heart lurches at the old nickname, but he doesnt let it show. Instead he pushes past the Marauders and slips into the secret passageway. The cracking sound that accompanies an apparation reaches their ears.

Lily turns on heel and slaps James, hard, across the face. They don't speak even after they get home, and James has the decency to feel mildly ashamed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2017 ⏰

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