One thing she is clear on is that Black will be the only one to successfully defeat Carlos but without him listening to her, she is becoming lost with scary visions of bad endings.

Black may think he has built a fortress to keep them safe but Lematina is seeing the perfect trap for Carlos and his ever growing army.

Feeling helpless she bows her head while his dominating stare still burns through her as she breaks away from it to salvage what he's ripping from her soul,

For once in her life she feels defeated with no positive outcome left in sight and no form of plan for the danger that Black refuses to see is there.

"So be it! you are sentencing us all to death, it shall be your name that will become the history of he who destroyed this world!" She lifts her head releasing the final words she has to offer him.

With fury eminating from them both the air instantly becomes thick and heated, chests heave and shoulders straighten.

Lifting his arm for his hand to clamp around her throat she quickly intercepts with the same level of anger.

The flaming contact along with Lematina's despaire deep within sparks a vision for her...

As her mind takes her back into a part of the past unknown to her, Black's brows crease while he watches her eyes glaze over leaving her an empty shell with her hand tightly clasped around his wrist that's now frozen mid air.

For a few eerie moments it's as if she had turned into a statue with her small structure becoming as hard as stone while she absorbs all the new information being given to her brain from their scolding contact.

"Get off me!" Black shakes her hold which breaks her vision.

Her sapphire eyes return with shock spewing from them as she takes a few wobbly steps back from him, her lips tremble with the silent question of 'can it be?' escaping between her sharp breaths,

What she has just seen has left her mind questioning everything she has ever known and her tender heart elevated to an unsteady rhythm,

Her head struggles to understand why she didn't have knowledge of such vital information, a part of the past so very important that it has warped her entire world into something she can't possibly fathom right now...

"What is it?" Black steps towards her shaking body but she's too busy in her own calculating thoughts,

Her eyes dart around whilst she mumbles words that can't be deciphered before she vanishes in raging blue smoke leaving Black diving into the dark clouds missing her disappearing cloaked frame by milliseconds.

His roars go unnoticed as she heads for her office to piece together what she had just witnessed.


Reaching her darkened office she dashes for the giant bookcase that dominates the room, running her fingers over the thick spines frantically looking for a particular one, she continues to mumble repeated words...



As her quivering fingers stop on a giant dusty book she yanks it from its slot, the brown cover is made of leather and has no writing on it but instead is encrusted with multiple gems of various colours, whilst gold swirl engraved caps protect the edges of each thick discouloured page.

Slamming it onto her desk she opens it to a minimalistic map of the great world, covering most of one page is a drawing of Eplan whilst the other page is practically fill by Shamara with many small islands scattering both pages.

Rubbing her chin with confusion she can't see what she feels she should be looking at...

All the faded pictures of the lands have their names written by them and not one was in her vision, not one has the names she can still see so clearly...

Groaning with frustration she slumps down into her chair with her eyes still scanning the map that's laid out in front of her.

Unexpectedly a gush of wind blows across the desk causing the pages to flip agressivly to a new section where a new map covers the pages,

It shows the edge of Shamara on less than half of one crusty page and vast oceans, with far away smaller land masses.

As Lematina leans forward to examine it further with her mouth slowly falling open in shock at what her eyes are laying upon.

After all these years she doesn't ever remember seeing such a page, the world she lives in has suddenly become alot larger than she had ever thought,

Staring at all the new islands across the pages she releases a light gasp of disbelief mixed with shock,

She notices large land on the far end named Haillow as its labelled in gold and as she compares it's size further, she notices it to be only a fraction smaller than Shamara itself,

She is beginning to wonder if what lies at the very far end of this world is what Black needs to help him win a war he's become to deny is upon them, she has no other options left and she is willing to risk her life to find out in vein hopes it is what she seeks.

Looking closer she can see next to the dominating land mass that's caught her attention sits a small image of an island with the same gold writing of it's different name... 'Rastish' .

"It is real!" Her wrinkled finger slams down onto the page under the minute image setting off yet another vision.

As her eyes roll to the back of her head beneath her eyelids images flash through her mind of more unknowable past, more truths that she is quickly learning in such desperate times...

"Leon knew!" Her eyes shoot open while her other hand slams down onto the open book.

After all this time Leon had been keeping a secret, one she intends to get from him in full!

Pulling herself to her feet her mind still tries to understand how a man blending so well into the community as just brute strength and what she thought was a trusted friend can hold so many mysteries for so many years...

She can't quite piece together how such a simple man in his simple red suit can hold so much power to block her magic from finding out such a big secret...

❤ Thank you to all my lovely readers ❤
Your support means so much to me and more

I do hope you will continue to support me with either
The carry on from this story BLACK or the new story I have been working on...
Or both 😊

Sorry for any mistakes 😕

😇One Is Only Human😈

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