Chapter 8.-The lord of the flowers

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"Technically she didn't call her a fool", Happy said, not looking up from her tools.

"She told a professor, that her lower IQ" she put special emphasis on this last word "was of an average person".

"We tell you that all the time", Toby interrupted, looking at the woman in dismay. He didn't understand where the offense was.

"It's true, if her IQ were higher, or like a genius, she would not be a primary school teacher". Walter stepped in from his desk. "She only told him an obvious truth, why would she be offended?"

"It doesn't stop being offensive".

"What did the teacher say?" Sylvester looked at both women alternately.

"She said that Lizzy has serious problems in relating and understanding certain social norms, which at her age she should already understand, that she quickly loses interest in games according to her level, doesn't respect degrees of authority. And ..." She looked at Happy, looking for a sign that said she shouldn't speak, but she seemed indifferent. "The teacher thinks that maybe it would be good for Lizzy to go with a specialist to help her with all that".

"Toby can help." He's a Harvard psychiatrist. Sylvester spoke quickly. "He knows a lot about human behavior".

"Toby knows the theory, but he doesn't put it into practice". Paige explained subtly and Lizzy is at the perfect age to receive help.

"Help?" Happy's indifferent gaze gave way to a look of fury. "You say that like there's something wrong with her".

"None of us got that kind of help", Walter said, but as soon as he finished speaking, he regretted it, for the way the blonde glared at him.

"And how did that work out?". Paige was carried away by the heat of the moment, she didn't realize in time of the effect of her words. "You didn't receive necessary help from children and ended up working in a garage without much future ahead, just because you couldn't adapt to the environment, but now you haven't improved, you have become more..."

"Improved?" Happy hit the desk with both hands. Sylvester groaned and looked desperately at Toby and Walter, waiting for someone to intervene, before Happy spoke or did something else. "Why should we change and adapt?" She pointed a finger at Paige, "Why should we" "adapt "?, "Why should we change?, Why can't ordinary and stupid people like you just adapt to us?"

"This stupid helped you out of the hole you were in".

"Hole in which we were? Do you really think it was you who got us out of there?" the fury in Happy's voice was what most frightened Sylvester, he knew perfectly well what that meant. "Seriously? The only reason you ended up being part of Scorpion is because you got into Walter's head and because Ralph is a genius".

"Happy!" Cabe came running to them, seeing that none of the geniuses reacted to stop what went from bad to worse . "What is going on here?"

"Nothing", Happy said and left her tools on the table and walked to the kitchen, where she made herself a coffee and disappeared from the view of the others.

"Paige?!" The National Security man looked at her, but she shrugged and walked to her desk, although Cabe didn't miss a couple of tears that fell on the woman's cheek. "Go see Happy, I'll talk to Paige" Toby says. He knew better than any of them how the girl would feel, after all she worked with the geniuses and nobody better than the psychiatrist to talk to the engineer.

Toby went up to the roof, he knew she would be there and indeed she was there. She was leaning against the edge of the building, her body leaning against the wall and staring at the horizon. She didn't seem to have noticed the presence of the genius, but he knew her enough to know that it was just an alibi, testing the ground he approached her, he stood right next to her and likewise he leaned against the wall. He hoped it was she who spoke first, but the seconds passed and she was still abstracted in the landscape.

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