Then, she remembered who she was talking to. The shadow. The shadow.

"I'll make a deal with you." Wendy said, "I'll go with you, if you take me to my brothers."

There was a pause.

"Fine," the shadow muttered, "Let's go then. Neverland awaits."

"Ok." Wendy went towards the lamp on her nightstand "I just have no idea what to bring. Should I pack so-"

Suddenly, she was swept off her feet and flew through the window. The shadow had her wrist in what seemed like his shadowy hand as she grew farther from the ground. Wendy tried not to scream as she tried to hold on to the shadow, which was physically impossible. They floated higher into the air until she couldn't see the Becketts farm anymore. She wished she could have thanked Mr. Beckett for everything and for always being so kind. She also wished she could have said goodbye to Grayson. Even though they had an awkward spat the last time they talked, Grayson was a huge part of Wendy's life. She would never forget him.

"Shadow?" Wendy called up to the dark figure, "Where are we going?"

"We're going back to London."

"London?!" Wendy gasped, "No, I can't go back there! I..."

Wendy trailed off as the the once familiar town started to appear out of the thick London fog. She saw Big Ben and heard the music from each of the little restaurants and bars from down below. Wendy never thought she'd be back here in her life. She passed by some of the familiar buildings from her past life like her school and her favorite clothing store. Then, they came across one building she knew all too well.

"Shadow, look! That's my house! Oh, how I miss my room and the nursery! Shadow, could we stop? Please? I would just-"

"We don't have time to stop. We must keep going. We don't have enough time to enter Neverland."

Wendy sighed as she turned back to look at the house she grew up in and loved so dearly. The shadow then flew up towards the sky, causing Wendy to gasp and try to hold on to the thing that had no body.

"There it is, Wendy. See those two stars?"

Wendy looked up to see two bright stars that grew larger as they flew closer towards them.

"I don't understand. How-"

"Wendy, quick you must say 'Second star to the right and straight on till morning.'"

"But, why-"

"Stop asking questions! Say it! Quick!"

"Second star to the right and straight on till morning!"

Wendy didn't feel the grip of the shadow anymore and all she saw was white. She screamed as she felt like she was falling. That's the last thing Wendy remembered about that night.

Mr. Beckett awoke to the sun shining through his bedroom window as the rooster crowed at the sign of the new day. He smiled at the start of his new day as he did truly love his life. He loved the farm he worked on every day and the animals that lived there. But, most importantly, he loved his wife.

Mr. Beckett would do anything to make his wife happy, no matter what. He knew she didn't like it here, but once she got an audition and became famous, he would go anywhere she wanted to. She did make a sacrifice moving to a farm land, which made him happy, but he just wanted her happiness in return.

He made his bed and changed into his usual jeans and flannel shirt as he walked outside his room. He put his ear to the door of Mrs. Beckett's room as he heard her snoring. He chuckled to himself. He would have loved if she slept in the same room as him. However, he understood why she wanted her own room with her own bed. She just needed a space to her own with her opera music and extravagant wardrobe. He walked over to the kitchen and expected Wendy to be cooking breakfast.

Then, he remembered about Wendy.

"Oh, Wendy." He sighed as he made his way up the stairs towards Wendy's room. He didn't know how he forgot that he was suppose to tell Wendy to leave. He felt awful that Mrs Beckett demanded that Wendy leave the farm. She had no where to go, and no family. Well, no family that wanted her. He hesitated outside Wendy's room, not knowing what to tell her. He thought that maybe he could find her a place to stay, but there really wasn't anyone looking for help around here. She could probably find work in the city, but he knew she'd never go back to London.

Mr. Beckett finally worked up the courage and knocked on Wendy's door.


There was no answer. Mr Beckett knocked again but heard nothing from Wendy.

"Wendy, you in there?"

Still nothing.

"Maybe she went out to the barn." He said to himself. He walked outside to the bright morning and walked toward the barn. He patted the horses outside as they raced up to him, expecting food. He inhaled the fresh summer air and gazed around his home. The fields were beautiful at this time and the sky couldn't be bluer without a cloud in the sky. It was an absolute perfect day. He smiled as he entered the barn.

"Wendy?" He called, "You in here?"

He looked around and still found no sign of her. He scratched his head and wondered where she could be. As he walked around, he noticed the animals hadn't been fed yet. He knew Wendy would always feed them even before she had her own breakfast. He made his way back to the house and heard his wife yelling. He quickly ran into the front door and found Mrs. Beckett at the bottom of the stairs

"WENDY!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. She turned to her husband, fuming.

"She is ignoring me! Good thing we're getting rid of this little pest. Go up and see what she could possibly be doing!"

Mr. Beckett walked up the stairs again and knocked on Wendy's door. Again, no answer. This was not at all like Wendy. Maybe something terrible happened to her.

"Wendy, I'm coming in!"

As he opened the door, he found Wendy's bed messily unmade and her lamp still on on top of her dresser. He looked around and she was nowhere to be found. He then noticed that her window was wide open. He chuckled to himself, knowing how too familiar it was that if a child was missing and the window was wide open the night before. He couldn't be more relieved, knowing exactly where she went.

He smiled to himself, "Have fun, Wendy."


Hi everyone! So I saw that some people have already started reading my story and that's so incredibly amazing! Thank you so much!

I hope you're enjoying it so far because there is SOOOOO SO SO much more that you won't see coming ;)

Thanks for reading again and feel free to comment!!

Much love,
Sarah K

Wendy || • A Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) fanfic •Where stories live. Discover now