"I do not trust you, you who were human. If you think that you can win the contest this way you are sadly mistaken!" Sobek growled out as he refused to let Ephus touch him.

Suddenly Ra's booming voice filled the room. "SOBEK! You WILL let Ephus power you like he did the rest of your brothers. I will not have it said that this trial was unfair either for Ephus or you! NOW! Let him power you or by the two realms YOU will be the next sentenced to one of the other dimensions of light or dark!"

Sobek looked at Ra with an icy stare but finally shrugged and stood still while Ephus placed a hand on his shoulder. Like Horus he showed no signs that he was feeling a thing then quite suddenly a small smile crossed his face then was gone. Letting go Ephus backed up.

Looking back when he heard a gasp he saw that all of Bast's sisters were there behind him. A smirk came to his lips as he could imagine that they were ALL rooting for him.

Again Min stepped toward Ephus. Looking Ephus up and down Min finally spoke. "I find that fighting this one is a waste of valuable time, besides if he had Sekhmet coming back he is more than acceptable." With a smile Min bowed to Ra then backed up.

Thoth walked to Ephus standing before him a moment. "I have found that this one knew of things that I did not. I therefore cannot fight him as I need this knowledge he has!" Smiling, Thoth nodded to Ra and moved to stand beside Ephus.

Anhur was next as he moved to stand before Ephus. "This one has freed both of my sisters restoring them back to this realm. He has also removed them from my realm of the sky. I therefore cannot fight him as I owe him several favors. A position I am unused to." Smiling at Ephus he too nodded to Ra and backed to beside Min.

Apophis walked to Ephus looking him up and down. Then he walked all the way around Ephus looking at him with a scowl. "I find this one to be irritating but having cleared Bast from my realm of night has lessened the burden there. I also owe this one and therefore have no desire to fight while I owe him." With a sly smile to Ephus, Apophis turned to Ra and nodded then backed to beside Anhur.

"Bah!" Sobek suddenly shouted. "It is obvious that none of my brothers are going to fight this one. We should just move mine up with him and..."

Ra's booming voice again filled the space. "Are you assuming to tell me how to conduct this trial Sobek?" Ephus watched as Sobek quickly backed off the subject and almost seemed to shrink. "I thought not! Now then continue!"

Khonshu stepped out and slowly approached Ephus. Finally he stopped in front of Ephus. Staring into Ephus's eyes for several moments he finally smiled. "For freeing my sister I thank you I do not require a fight to see that you are good for her and us." Turning he nodded to Ra and backed to beside Apophis.

Shu was the next as he hesitantly walked toward Ephus. Stopping he shook his head, "I only agreed to this all those years ago Ra because I thought you would relent, freeing your daughters. I have no patience nor the stomach for a fight. I have far more important things to do than battle. I adore my sister, both of them but I am no warrior." Nodding to Ra he also backed 'til he was beside Khonshu.

Horus took a step toward Ephus then stopped. Contemplating a moment he resumed his approach. "I also owe you." With that he threw a bolt of energy at Ephus. With a surprised look Ephus flung it away as if a fly, making Horus smile. "So you have learned to defend" Throwing a different energy at Ephus every few seconds Ephus was concerned at first. Each he slapped away was strong but not overpowering. Finally possibly twenty minutes later Horus nodded. "It is good I accept your defense." Turning Horus nodded to Ra then backed to beside Shu a huge smile on his face.

Ephus could only shake his head, what in the hell was that? Finally it was Sobek turn. Ephus could see that he had almost been chomping at the bit to get his chance at him.

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