"Shall we split up?", Len ask. We all nod. "Ok, so let's meet up in" Piko checks his phone, "One hour." Then, we were off.

I went straight for Project Diva Arcade and proceed to play all my favorite songs from the game. Then, I went to play some ski ball. I saw Len playing some banana game. It looked pretty cheesy, but it was getting him a lot of tickets, so win win. I didn't see Piko anywhere. I walked over to Dance Dance Revolution to see that someone had left tokens in. Sweet. I saw Oliver walk by.

"Hey Oliver, want to play Dance Dance Revolution with me?", I asked. "Sure", Oliver replied, stepping on the little floor thing. I choose the easy difficulty and choose some random song. Oliver was doing pretty good, I was doing bad though. I think the one thing that's stopping the game from ending is the fact Oliver was getting a perfect.

Then I choose the second song. Same thing. Then the third. Same thing. Man, Oliver is good at this game. Oliver left to go play some other games, and I walked around.
At that one corner, there was quite a crowd, and I can tell why.

The boy was shouting the lyrics to Dragon Night, from Sekai No Owari, before getting smacked in the head by a girl in magenta. Then, he started singing, sorry, screaming, Broadcast Illusion, then he got smacked even harder. I spotted Oliver in this crowd. He also spotted me, and came up to me.

"Let's go find some other games to play before we have to meet everyone!", and without warning, he grabbed my hand and dragged me half way across the arcade to this one racing game. I guess I have no choice but to play it.

I choose my character, and waited for him to choose his. Then, him being player one, he choose the track. He choose one that looked kinda like Rainbow Road, but it wasn't, because it wasn't Nintendo. And this time, I won!

☆*:.。. Time Skip Back To Room, Because I'm Lazy .。.:*☆

While we were waiting for Piko to unlock the room, the three people from the arcade walked up to the room next to us. They quickly unlocked there door, but the boy spotted us.

"Your everywhere, aren't you?", Len asked. The boy gave a mischievous smirk. "Oh, you wish you knew", he laughs a bit, and we just stare at him. His smile turned into a normal smile. "By the way, you two look cute together", he says, pointing to me and Oliver."

"Excuse me?! Who the heck are you?!", I yell at him. Then the girl in magenta pops her head through their door. "Izzy, get your gay butt over here. And stop acting like a stalker." And just like that, he was gone.

"Well that was, ummmm, something.", I say, as Len and Piko walk in the room. Me and Oliver stare at each other. "What did he mean we look cute together?", Oliver ask. "I have no idea.", I answer as we walk into the room.

As soon as we noticed the time (Fukase got to the room after 12 PM) we all got ready for bed. I was the last one to take a shower, nothing much, simple stuff here.

"Fukase, put a shirt on.", Piko says while reading a book on his bed. He had the bottom bunk. "But it's to warm in summer!", I whined.

"It's distracting"

"Yes, like this room is filled with gay men"

"Still, its distracting"

"Your two colored eyes are distracting"

"Excuse me?! What about your le-"

"Calm down guys.", Oliver says, attempting to stop the soon to be fight. "Fukase not wearing a shirt to bed isn't hurting anyone!"

"Agreed.", Len says eating a banana and watching from the top bunk. "Fine.", Piko gives in. He sets his book down and gets under the covers of his bed. "Good night". Len does the same, and so do I. Oliver turns off the lights and climbs onto the top bunk. He soon hung is head down from the top bunk.

"Good night Fukase"

"Good night Oliver"

1335 words! WOAH! I don't know how I did that. Anyways, sorry if it was bad or a little disappointing. I promise in the next chapter I well get straight to the story I had in mind, straight into the actual school stuff, and it should be better from then on. I'll just consider this a warm up, so I remember how it feels like to write full on chapters.

Also, their three neighbors, aka, the fujoshi fudanshi trio, is me, the author (why do you think I'm always there), my friend Mari (sorry to drag you into this), and someone else, I won't tell you who.

Also, thanks to my favorite Olikase trashcan, 39miku01 ,for giving me the will to continue this story.

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