
Tom woke up with a small smile on his face, despite the garish red coloring of the Gryffindor dorm room having been the first thing he saw. He couldn't believe his plan had actually worked. Well, obviously his plan worked, as he is a genius, but he was surprised that Harry had given in so easily. But, he wasn't complaining. This all made things so much easier for him.

Sitting up in Harry's bed, Tom observed the room and sneered lightly at the loud snoring red head in the bed next to him. Out of all the things Tom would have to do today to behave like a perfect Gryffindor, putting up with Ronald Weasley was going to be his least favorite.

He swiftly pulled himself out of the springy bed and gathered up Harry's nicest clothes. He wasn't about to wear the disgusting rags that Harry's relatives had subjected him to. And soon, Harry wouldn't have to wear them either.

Tom will proudly admit that he stood in front of the mirror for a while, just to appreciate his boyfriend's body. Tom usually got a much better view of Harry's body, but it was such a surreal and interesting experience for Tom to observe Harry's body as he inhabited it, that Tom couldn't pass up the opportunity.

He wasted a good five minutes staring at himself-or, rather, Harry- which was enough time for the alarms of the rest of the boys in the dorm to go off.

There was groaning as they each shuffled around and reluctantly rolled out of bed. Tom scowled to himself, before making the most Harry-like face in the mirror, in an attempt to practice acting like him and get ready to play nice with the Gryffindors. The happy and friendly look soon faded into a grimace though.

He may be a proficient actor, but keeping a friendly facade was still going to be difficult, and today was still going to be torture.

Tom quickly finished up in the bathroom, trying futilely to tame Harry's messy hair, cursing all the while. How Harry could ever put up with up atrocious hair was beyond him.

Exiting the bathroom and seeing all the Gryffindors scrambling around the dorm room, he resisted the urge to sneer. A sneer on Harry Potter's face would definitely be suspicious.

He walked briskly out the door, hoping Harry's friends would accept the excuse of being exceptionally hungry today, and wanting to get to breakfast quickly. He didn't want to deal with them more than necessary, and he had the feeling they waited on each other each morning.

Scowling to himself when he was sure no one was looking, Tom tugged at the Gryffindor tie around his neck, and grumbled to himself all the way to the great hall.

This may have been his brilliant idea, but that didn't mean he had to enjoy it. Hopefully the benefits would outweigh the grievances he would have to suffer today.


Harry tried not to grimace every time he passed someone in the hallway as he made his way to the great hall for breakfast. Being in Tom's body meant he had to keep a cool and collected demeanor, and recognizing that fact somehow made it so much harder for him to actually do it.

The more Harry told himself to keep a straight face, the more he grimaced and looked around unsurely. Harry couldn't help it, and he cursed himself for ever agreeing to Tom's obviously nefarious plan.

Acting like Tom had seemed simple, in theory, because he knew all of Tom's habits, but actually acting them out was proving to be difficult.

He'd already gotten three strange looks and he had yet to leave the dungeons. All in all, Harry was screwed. But, he kept trying anyways, because he wasn't about to give up so easily, or give Tom the satisfaction of seeing him succumb to his plans.

Striding into the great hall, and trying his best to keep his expression free of emotion, Harry made his way to the Slytherin table, after hesitating slightly. He saw Tom-which was really strange, because he knew it was Tom, but he was seeing himself-sitting calmly at the Gryffindor table, sipping his drink and eating the breakfast that Harry would normally eat.

Harry sat down slowly where he knew Tom usually sat, and took one of Tom's books out of his bag. Tom didn't always read at the breakfast table, but when he did, everyone left him alone, so if Harry didn't want the Slytherins to crowd him and attempt conversation, (and he most definitely didn't) reading was Harry's best choice at the moment.

People slowly trickled into the great hall for breakfast, and Tom's friends sat around Harry, as usual. He tried not to scoot away from them, so there weren't any suspicions on his behavior, but he was sure the discontent showed on his face. Damn his non existent acting skills.

He tried to focus on the book in front of him rather than the people around him, but when Malfoy took a seat next to him, looking as poised and haughty as ever, Harry had to press his lips together to prevent the snicker that threatened to come out.

Seeing Malfoy's self entitled disposition and remembering the fact that just twenty minutes ago Harry was listening to him sing in the shower and fuss over his hair just made him want to laugh. He wasn't sure he'd ever be able to look at Malfoy the same way again, and he wasn't sure how Tom ever managed to talk seriously to him, or even about him, while keeping a straight face.

Harry kept his head down, eyes on the book in his lap and tried to suppress a grimace as Zabini took a seat to his left and looked like he was going to start a conversation with him. He ignored the look that Zabini was giving him in order to read more of the completely fascinating book about the properties of potion ingredients.

After a few more seconds of reading the same line over and over while Zabini burned holes in the back of his head, Harry finally looked up. He tried his best to ignore the panic, and looked Zabini in the eye before saying in the most Tom-like way he could, "I would like be left alone today. All day. I don't want to talk to anybody." He tried to to keep his expression void of emotion and speak with the air of authority that Tom always had, but he is nearly one hundred percent sure that he failed that. It was annoyingly difficult to keep his face blank and he kept feeling his face twitch.

Surprisingly, Zabini didn't seem to be very put off by his statement, and just nodded his head silently, giving him a strange knowing look before turning to his breakfast. Harry decided not to question it and take it as a win. The rest of his day may actually be easier than he had anticipated.

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