"Oh. Yeah." He mumbled, pocketing his wand into his green jacket pocket. He started up the stairs with a sigh. They walked and made it to the first hall. They stopped and looked down the hall. Hermione expected to walk down the hallway, but her dreams were crushed once the man shook his head and started up the second flight of stairs.

"It's a nice apartment." He said. Hermione nodded awkwardly. It better be for this long trek up these dreadful stairs, she thought.

Finally they made it to the second hallway, in which the man walked into the hall. Hermione accompanied him through the hall when he stopped abruptly at the fourth-to-last door on the right of the hall. He quickly unlocked it before he looked at Hermione with one bushy eyebrow raised. Hermione walked into the new area, scanning the room she'd entered. To her left was a small kitchen. It included an island, separating the cooking area and the dining area. She walked forward, leading her into a connected living area. She eyed the black couch and the small television, there was a small stack of iconic muggle movies sitting beside the tv.

"Nice." She commented to herself.

She continued to scan the apartment. She faced a wall, seeing two separate doors. She opened the one to her left, which was a bathroom. She flipped the light switch on and met a clawfoot tub, a small toilet and a tall sink. Hermione raised an eyebrow at the toilet and pushed it with her finger. The toilet wobbled at the force. Hermione shrugged and walked out of the room to find the landlord sitting on the couch picking at his finger nails.

He looked up to her. "Done yet?"

She rolled her eyes and looked at the last door. She opened the door, finding a decent sized bedroom. There was a queen sized bed with dark maroon bedding; a small nightstand stood next to the bed. She scanned the rest of the room, finding a closet and medium sized set of drawers.

She turned to look at the man behind her.

"You were correct. It is nice." She said, slapping her hands together. He stared at her blankly.

"I did discuss that many grummy students have lived here, correct?" He asked, motioning to the hole in the wall beside the bathroom door. Hermione had noticed, but overlooked it.

"Do you want to sell the apartment or not?" She grumbled at him.

"You'll take it?" He asked, taking his right hand out of his jacket pocket. Hermione's heart dropped. It really had even a beautiful apartment compared to her last one, but nice apartments come more expensive than crappier ones.

"Erm– how much was it again?" Hermione asked after clearing her throat. Her hands reached into her coat pockets.

"Around thirteen hundred galleons, but that's without the use of utilities and–"

"Yes, well.." Hermione thought for a moment. She really had expected worse news, but was in utter shock with the price. Although, she still wasn't too sure about the amount. "Yes. I'll take it." She said. She watched as a genuine smile grew on the mans face.

"Great. Just great." He said, sticking out his hand to shake hers. Hermione consented and shook his hand.

After sitting down on the couch and discussing matters, the man and Hermione walked out of the apartment together.

"You can move into the home in the next week. I hope you enjoy!" He said, tossing her the key to the apartment. Hermione nodded and thanked him.


"Wow, this actually isn't bad, Hermione." Harry grunted as he laid down the last box in Hermione's bedroom. Hermione smiled toward Harry.

"I know." She said, containing her excitement. Ron and Lavender had really been generous, but she was quite frankly ready to live alone. She loved being alone. It was something she could do easily. She didn't have to entertain anyone or play a role. It was just her.

"Finally you're out of our home." Lavender scoffed. Hermione took a breath and gave her a sweet smile.

"Heaven forbid this place not work out." She sneered before dropping her lovely smile.

"Oh Merlin. We'd better leave, Lav. I never want to hear you two go at it ever again." Ron groaned and grabbed Lavender's wrist. "Nice place Mione, really." He said before dragging Lavender out with him. Once the door closed, Hermione looked at Harry, who had been forcing himself not to laugh.
Suddenly they both burst into a unfailing fit of laughter.

"I do think it's her hormones, really. When I first came to them, she wasn't too dreadful." Hermione said after calming down. Her and Harry plopped onto the couch, restless. They had worked all day with moving Hermione's items from Ron and Lavender's home and all.

"Wait, she wasn't pregnant when you first arrived?" Harry asked, looking at Hermione with wide eyes as he cleaned his glasses on his dirty, white shirt.

"Nope. I actually think I recall the night of the child being–"

"Stop. Please, I don't want to vomit on your couch." Harry said as he screwed up his face. Hermione laughed. After a few moments, Harry decided her needed to leave for his journey home. Hermione walked him to the door.

"Thank you for helping today. I've missed hanging out with you." Hermione said, feeling her eyes become heavier every second.

"Yeah, me too. Ginny and I have just been so busy with Quidditch and planning the wedding. It's hard to catch a breath." He chuckled before they walked into the hallway. Hermione smiled and pulled him into a hug.

"Just stay safe. Ginny too." She whispered. She worried about the two often. With Quidditch sometimes being an unforgiving sport, she fretted every match.

Harry pulled away from the hug. "We will. See you soon Hermione. Take care." He said before disappearing down the stairs. Hermione sighed as she leaned against the hallway wall. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She was getting on her feet. She was going to be okay.

"This is quite an amusing situation." Drawled a strong voice. Hermione's eyes snapped open and she gaped at the sight in front of her. A smirk appeared on his lips. "Good evening, Granger." Draco said as he leaned against the doorframe of his apartment across from hers. He wore a tight, black tank top and a pair of grey sweatpants. His silver eyes twinkled perfectly at her.

"You?– You live here?" Hermione asked, making sure to keep control of her angry body.

"No. I've been stalking you for the past five years and finally decided to speak to you." He said, not breaking eye contact with her, which made her question if it was a fib or not. "Yes, kitten, I live here."

Hermione cringed at the nickname.
"Well, I– erm." Hermione wanted to snap back, but had nothing clever to say. For once, she thought.

Draco yawned. "I'll speak to you in the morning. We both need some rest. Good night kitten." He huffed out. He turned and disappeared behind the wood door. Hermione groaned.

"Don't call me that!" She shouted before entering her own apartment and slamming the door.

Great. Just what she needed. Him.

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sorry about my boring writing

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