1. The usual breakfast

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A human male woke up in a room. He opened his eyes and stared at the grey ceiling of his quarters. He closed his eyes again and breathed in, there was no particular smell, just the usual air recycled by the ship's life support and ventilation system. After a few minutes, he got up, walked to the sink and washed his face. Looking into the mirror above it, he saw a young man, with brown eyes and short brown hair, his subtle grin in place.

Five minutes later he left his quarters, fully clothed in his uniform of a tactical officer. He walked the known way towards the mess hall, on the way meeting a few crewmates. He greeted all of them and smiled politely.

As he reached the mess hall, the door in front of him opened as always. There were fairly many people sitting at tables, eating, drinking and talking. He got himself tea from the liquid dispenser on the wall and grabbed a piece of pie from the food bar. Turning he looked around the room, the captain was eating in his own dining room, as usual, T'pol always joined him and it seemed that Commander Tucker was with them as well.  After a few moments of searching he found Hoshi, sitting alone at a table. He made his way towards her.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked upon reaching her.

Hoshi having registered his presence, looked up at him, and said with a little smile: "Of course not, sit down." he did so.

"You seem to be in a good mood." Hoshi pointed out observantly.

"Yes I am!" Malcolm confirmed smiling brightly "I had a good night sleep."

"And good dreams it seems?" Hoshi asked smiling wider while warming her hands on her mug. "You're practically glowing."

Malcolm thought back upon the night and his dreams. Yes his dreams were enjoyable, he had dreamed of T'pol. "Yes they were." he said happily.

"Well that's nice." said Hoshi, dropping her gaze gloomily to her food, her hands clasping the blue mug with the ship's logo on it

"What about you?" Malcolm asked, taking her appearance in. She looked tired. "You look like you didn't sleep so well."

"Well thank you for the compliment." Hoshi grinned sarcastically at him. "Actually I didn't, but nothing serious, just some nightmares."

Malcolm watched her more intently, but she said no more about the matter and concentrated her attention on the food for the rest of breakfast.

Star Trek Enterprise Fanfiction (Malcolm x Hoshi and other pairings...)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن