Worried sick! {dekubowl}

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Deku was on his way to greet his mother w/o a care in the world! He had woken up extra early before any of his dorm mates had risen and prepared a nice warm breakfast for his mother. He was happy to hear that they would be getting a day off which meant he could finally visit his mom.

The sun rays began to glow on his skin and he had to stop to take a picture of the beautiful sunrise. He made his way up the steps to his mothers apartment and knocked on the door. His mother opened the door with a curious face which broke out into a wide grin when she saw her son. "Hey mom.." he breathed out. It had been such a long time since he last visited. She pulled him into a hug while tearing up "I've missed you.."

•meanwhile at the dorms•

The class of 1-A had all woken up about an hour after deku had left. They all got up and did their own things. Some started training and  others went out. It don't take long for Uraraka to notice dekus absence. "Where's deku?" Iida was surprised he hadn't noticed it sooner considering he was one close to the green haired boy.
He stood up abruptly "Maybe he's just sleeping in, I'll go check on him!" Todoroki having heard the conversation stood up as well, "I'll follow".

They both made their way to the missing boys room. Iida knocked a few times while todoroki asked if they could come in. After a few minuets of silence Iida opened the door to investigate. Todoroki and Iida scanned the room for anything. A clue, a note, or just something that would signify he wasn't kidnapped or anything. They couldn't seem to find anything different. It was just his usual action figures and posters. 

The two boys then looked at each other hoping nothing bad happened. "Maybe he just went for a run early in the morning...?" Iida tried to shrug off the tension. Todoroki tried to keep his thoughts positive as well. "Yeah.. he should be back later.." They both then left the room.


A few hours passed and he was not 'back later'. Once Uraraka brought the matter back up everyone began to look for him around the dorm house and campus but there was no sign of him.

So they all gathered into the lounge area. "Come on guys think! Where would you go if you were Deku?" Uraraka paced the floor while the others began shouting out random places. "What if he went to the park anD GOT KIDNAPPED!?" Uraraka grabbed Mineta by his collar "Grape, we don't need you paniCKING!!"  She then shook him wildly. She came to an abrupt stop and put him down gently while taking deep breaths. "I'm sorry! I'm just so worried!" She began sobbing. Bakugou rolled his eyes and walked away "why do I fucking put up with this shit?"

She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to Kirishima. "We get it, we're all worried about him, but that doesn't mean we should start panicking we need to think this through logically. Now, seriously, where would you go if you were Midoriya and had a day off?"  They all say in silence thinking.

It took a few minuets but eventually Mina had a brilliant idea. "Guys! Midoryia hasn't seen his mom in a while right?? So what if he just went to visit her!" Everyone then began murmuring about how they didn't think of that. "Why don't we go and make sure he's there?" Todoroki then started on his way to the door. And some followed, they all got ready to leave. It wasn't too late but the sun would be setting in an hour. So, they quickly got to the apartment in no time.


Inko was more than surprised to see a bunch of breathless teenagers at her doorstep. She welcomed them in with worried face asking if they needed water or anything. But they just frantically looked around for the mop of green hair they knew and loved. "Mom who was it...?" Izukus voice dropped as he saw about five or six of his classmates in his house. The others would've came but they had other things to do (unfortunately). "Guys.... you look like hell," his face was full of shock and he didn't know what else to say.

But before anything he was tackled on to the ground by his classmates. "God we thought you were kidnapped!" "Why didn't you leave a note or something? That was very irresponsible!" "I'm just glad you're okay!" Izuku chuckled at his friends "guys I'm sorry I didn't leave a note or anything, I was going to after I made breakfast but then I forgot!" They all got up and hugged him one last time before letting go. Iida took a hold of his shoulders and looked him in the eye. "It's fine, just don't let it happen again, ever!" Deku nodded and smiled. He was so glad to have them!
"Since you guys are here want to have dinner?"

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