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Emilio's POV

It was so cold in the hospital room, all that was heard was the beeping of the machines and slight rumble of the oxygen tank. I had been sitting in this damn room for hours just watching...waiting. Her skin was pale and her lips were a very pale pink, they didn't look soft and full of color like they normally did. Her dark hair was in a braid now thanks to Tessa who had taken the time to wash it free of blood and then style it. It had been weeks since Isabella had been in that accident. It was my fault, really. If I hadn't yelled at her like that she would've still been here with me. She would've been here with our friends.

"Emilio lets go" Ivan told me "Necesitas a descansar"

"No Ivan" I snap "I'm not going"

Anthony touched his shoulder slightly shaking his head and leading him out of the room, my eyes went back to Isabella's face, her hand was so cold in my own. Every single time I looked at her a pang of guilt hit me. I could still hear her screams in my head, I could still see her lying on the ground completely still. I had found her laying there on the road her leg in a weird position and her arm also at an odd angle. The blood pooled around her making it look as if she was being drained and she was seeing as the wounds on her were tremendous.

"I'm sorry Isabella" I softly spoke kissing her hand "I'm sorry that I did this to you"

A tear fell from my eye as I looked down at her, memories of when we first met flooding into my mind making me slightly smile. I wished that I could relive that day over and over again because Isabella was amazing. She was just as daring as us, she loved the thrill and was up for anything extreme. The first day we met was very special because that's when Jake decided he wanted her on Team 10 but first he wanted to know her more.

I was extremely ecstatic when only weeks later she was suddenly apart of Team 10. Me and her became the best of friends. I sat unaware of her feelings for me and soon she gave up, moving on to someone who gave her what I didn't. When I first saw them kiss that's when I knew that I loved her, I wanted to tell her that moment but I didn't do it. Everyone told me that I still had a chance but I waited too long to confess so she fell for him and then she wasn't mine anymore. I was slowly forgotten and our bond wasn't as strong anymore.

I regret not telling her that I loved her in that moment.I regret telling her something that would break her heart. I regret telling her about what her boyfriend kept from her. My hands smoothed down her hair , fingers tracing her jaw as I pulled back.

"Emilio you need to leave with us" Erika said walking into the room "You have to get rest and you need to eat"

"Erika, I'm fine" I snapped annoyed that everyone kept asking the same thing "I'm not leaving her"

Erika let out a sigh her hands gently placed on my shoulders as she looked me in the eye. Her eyes bore into my own possibly hoping to find some sort of answer but she only shook her head sadly.

"Stubborn" She then sadly smiled "You have the same look in your eyes like she did when she first realized that she loved you."

"What look?" I quietly asked

"I can't pinpoint it but I know it's strong" Erika answered

With that she stood up and left, leaving me with endless thoughts and questions. I wanted Erika to tell me what that emotion was but I knew she wouldn't. She wanted me to figure it out myself and to realize something. I took Isabella's hand in mine once again hoping that she'd wake.

"Please wake up" I whispered kissing her forehead.

My eyes shut as I rested my head against the railing of her bed my hand still latched onto hers. I focused on my breathing and the sound of her heart monitor beating steadily.

I was awoken by the sound of the monitor going off, it was a flat line. The doctor and nurses rushed in and escorted me out. My heart was hammering against my chest, I heard them shouting things and more nurses piled into the room along with two other doctors.

"We're losing her" I heard them shout

"Her heart rate is dropping immensely"

My heart clenched as the tears began to fall down my face I ran to the room trying to get in. The hands kept pushing me back and leading me farther away from Isabella. I screamed for her, begging them to let me go. I wanted to see her, I wanted to make sure she was okay. I wanted, no I need her to live. I need her to hear me tell her I love her again. I want to hear her say it back.

"Isabella Jones" The Doctor called

I stood up along with Jake and Erika, I think they had stayed back to check on me but mostly to make sure Isabella was fine.

"That's us" Jake spoke "Is she alright?"

"Yes, we were able to revive her and to stabilize her again.We've placed a breathing tube in her so that it could help her breathe easily. She wasn't getting enough oxygen to her brain causing her to flat line"

"Okay, can you tell us when she'll wake up" Erika replied

"It's hard to tell, could be weeks maybe months" He checked his phone that went off "I've got to head off but if you have any questions feel free to ask the nurses"

He rushed off down the hall and turned the corner where other nurses were going. Jake kissed Erika on the head whispering to her about how Isabella would be fine. I wanted to believe that I really did, but I knew there was still a 50/50 chance that she wouldn't make it or that she would. I turned around slamming my fist into the wall repeatedly. A nurse came and tugged me back sitting me down. They examined my knuckles and repeatedly asked me if I was okay but I wasn't. My hand was swollen and had deep blue and purple marks all over it, the skin on my knuckles split open.

"Emilio you need to stop" Erika whispered as she watched the nurse tend to my hand.

"I can't go on without her" I winced as the needle went into my skin to numb my hand.

"Yes you can, you need to be strong for her" Erika looked away her eyes looked distant "If she wakes up and you're not here anymore it'll do more damage than this"

I watched her leave me as she went to Jake whispering in his ear, he briefly glanced at me nodding. They walked down to the elevators and left. I thanked the nurse after she finished up.

"Try not to hurt yourself alright?" She smiled patting my arm, I watched her walk into a different room slipping off her gloves and replacing them with new ones.

I walked back into Isabella's room nearly choking at the sight of her. Her lips were wrapped around a large breathing tube and she had more needles in her arm. I sat down letting out a small sob, I held onto her cold hand praying that she'd wake up but it was no use.

"Please wake up Bella" I cried "I need you to be here with me, I want to see your eyes, your smile. I need to hear you laugh."

The only response I got was the beeping of her monitors and the mumbles coming from outside the door. No response from her, not even a movement. I dropped my head staring at my lap, there was nothing I could do for now but pray that she returns to me.

HEY! So the first chapter of Blinded is up :). Hopefully you guys enjoyed it because I was practically fighting myself trying to finish it lol, please leave a comment, vote and follow me!

Thank you for all the love and support!


Blinded |E.M|Where stories live. Discover now