archive < 30.7.17

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title: hi

date: jul 6

hi there! so this is just a little warning - i'm saying it right now, if anybody is actually reading this, that my thoughts are a bit of a mess.

so, a bit about myself?

i'm 14 years old. yes, i'm at that very hormonal stage of my life. i gET IT.

i just want to learn everything and anything. i usually enjoy psychological studies (which i don't pursue because i was stupid enough to not chose it) - the human mind and how it works. all of that stuff is just really interesting to me. i also like to write loads of stories to vent my stress, thoughts, dreams or worries. and because of that, i never seem to actually finish anything -much to my dismay.

i'm actually a really positive and jovial person, if i say so myself. but despite that, i can still be very two faced. not in a bad way. i'm pretty sure most of it actually accounts to my hormones and just the typical teenage shit that is happening in my life at the moment (don't forget those pesky period mood swings) two faced i mean that i can either be one of two things: the 'in your face' sort of person; or that person who just wants to hide in a corner and cry all day.

i swear it's just me

is it bad that i could go on about myself forever? i feel like i can come off as really self-conceited, when in reality i'm just a lost teen trying to discover herself. i think i know myself to the point that i know that i'm never going to know myself because i'm just so unpredictable. i just don't get it!

i honestly just swear this book is a call for help//

oh yeah, and i rant a lot.

*nervously coughs* (;


title: poetry

date: jul 6

i'm laughing in my head because of something you guys don't know~~ (;

it's actually really sad.

but speaking of poetry, my year group in school (year 9) are currently preparing, and have been preparing for our english literature exams that we're going to sit in year 10 instead of in year 11. we're sitting english language the year after, not both of them at the same time because it's supposedly much easier and less stressful?

i didn't think i was that good at poetry. i mean, i suck at writing it but i'm apparently good at analysing it. that is, according to my teacher anyway. my skills in all of my subjects have really evolved this year.

lol much like my depression. just kidding. actually, no i'm not.

no no no NOT TODAY-

anyway! i mentioned it before: i'm laughing in my head because of something you guys don't know. well, i'm not going to tell you exactly what it is of course, but i was just thinking (like always)...

aren't our lives like poems?

depending on how you write out your poem, you can see the flow of everything - whether it's irregular or regular, planned out in your head or just random - as if it's just happening as you go along, or as if it's just plain unpredictable. to people other than the poet, the poem can be seen and interpreted in an array of ways. the cool thing about it is that nobody can ever be wrong in what they assume.

it could either mean this or that.

i don't know where i'm really going with this, but what are your opinions on this? care to elaborate on my somewhat ambiguous remark (?)

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