Ponyboy Curtis 😍

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You were sitting with your friends at the diner, You got up and you felt your backside being watched so in line waiting for your order you turned around and looked to see that a boy was looking at you, You made eye contact with him and he knew so he showed a grin then the boy with dark greasy black hair and a jean jacket looked at pony smiled and then whispered something to him,He got up and came over to you in the line, "Hi Y/N, I'm Ponyboy Curtis, and you are?"
"Y/N". You said picking up your order
"Your awfully pretty if I do say so myself." Pony said with his face turning pink and he looked at the ground then up at you. You felt your face turn the same color, "Thank you ponyboy." That was all you said then you went and sat down back with your friends. He came over there with you and tried to make conversation with you.
The Next Day~

You got up and got dressed ready for school, When you got to school you went to your first period and soon enough Ponyboy was in the seat next to yours, "Fancy meetin' you here stranger." Pony said with a grin
" yea wish I could say the same." You said also with a grin.
As time went by soon enough school was out for the day you closed your locker and soon you felt a hand on your shoulder and jumped a little "woah you scared of me?" Pony asked
"No I hate being suprised."
"Well you know I've liked you from the start and so I wanted to ask you if you'd like to be my girlfriend?"
"Sure I'd love to Ponyboy Michael Curtis!" You said hugging him
He smiled and said "cmon princess let's go to my house." You walked to his house and you met the gang and they all cheered for him, as time went by you lived as a happy couple and had rare fights he loved you a lot and you knew In your heart he did love you and he knew In his heart you loved him.

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