This Is Unconditional

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"Here I stand, nothing more than a broken man, starring death in the face, all my mistakes have got a hold on me again"

"Here we go, another day, another fork in the road. I never know who to trust. Will someone just tell me which way to go?"

"I need a sign, I need a miracle."

"I need to know that this is possible. I've just failed so many times, Is there any way that I could make it right?"

"God, if you're there I need to hear you now, Come back to me love, I forgive you. Oh how I've missed you."

"Just know every time you run I'll be right here waiting!"

"This is no ordinary love. Listen up, listen up. This is no ordinary love.

This is unconditional"

"I'm so afraid to admit that you're real

'Cause I'm afraid of what I might feel. When your words start to come to life, And it brings my demons into the light, but I know you're here, I shiver as you whisper in my ear, Child have no fear"

"Come back to me love, I forgive you. Oh how I've missed you. Just know every time you run I'll be right here waiting!"

"Come back to me love, I hope you know I'm always with you. I forgive you!"

"We lose faith in things unseen, Unsure of what to believe. Just dying to be loved, when love's right in front of us"

"We give up on our hopes and dreams, and let doubt take everything. The door will open when we realize we don't hold the key"

"I tried to save myself but I failed"

"Come back to me love, I forgive you

Oh how I've missed you. Just know every time you run I'll be right here waiting"

"Come back to me love, I hope you know I'm always with you. I forgive you"


After a Memphis May Fire song filled ride, we finally arrived at the mall. Once we found a parking spot Patrick opened my door for me like a gentleman, which I thought was sweet, and we walked into the mall together. First we stopped for a bite to eat in the food court, I had a Coffee with a blue berry muffin and Patrick had a hot chocolate with a vanilla cupcake. When we were finished with our drinks and snacks we began looking around the shops. The first place we went in was a tattoo & piercing parlour, I had decided to get snake bite piercings and an industrial bar done because they were my next two favourite piercings besides the ones I already had. I filled in some papers before being lead to a room behind the counter and just down a short hallway. Patrick was allowed to come too which I was glad about because although I have a few piercings I still think they hurt quite a bit and no matter how many times someone says It doesn't, having someone hold you hand always makes it better. In my case today that person would be Patrick, if he doesn't mind of course. The piercer, who's name was Mark, got me to sit in the edge if the bed while he prepared the equipment.

"Scared?" Patrick whispered with a slight grin.

"Nahhh, I'm tough!" I said and giggled as I flexed my arms, making Patrick laugh too.

When mark had his stuff ready he used the clamp to hold my lip where the needle would go through and told me to take a deep breath. As I breathed in I searched for Patrick's hand with my own and when I found it I locked my fingers with his. I could've sworn I saw him blush out of the corner of my eye... Mark then told me to breathe out and as I did he pushed the needle through my lip. It started to sting straight away but once he had put the jewellery in it started to die down. He repeated the process for the other side of my lip and for some reason that particular side hurt just a little more. When both sides were done he handed me a mirror so I could have a look at them. I smiled as I saw my reflection, admiring the small silver balls each side of my lip.

Unloved. (A Patrick Stump Fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu