Chapter 6

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Lizzy's POV:

I woke up. The clock read 11:24.

"Lizzy! Come down here please! I need to tell you something!"

I suddenly remember everything that happened the night before. I slug out of bed and went down stairs.

"Lizzy!" Demi called again

"I'm coming!" I said getting annoyed.

I go down stairs and Demi is eating waffles. I felt sick.

"Lizzy, I was looking at your records and we really need to talk."

My stomach turned.

"About what?" I said sounding scared

"Well, your records don't say anything about you having any dentists appointments. And that is really important. Also your records don't say anything about you having any education or any doctors records. You also need that." Demi said

"I um- don't need any of that"

"Oh yes you do. I booked you a dentist appointment for 12:30 and I enrolled you in a middle school. I also booked you a doctors appt. right after your dentist appt.

"No! I won't go! You can't make me! No! I don't want to! Stop! No! I hate this!"

"No going out of it missy. Now go get ready. We have to leave in a half an hour. And make sure you brush your teeth!" Demi said as I stomped upstairs.

I put on a black crop top with some skinny jeans and my purple converse. I went into the bathroom and straightend my hair and didn't even bother brushing my teeth. I have never been to a dentist or a doctor before. I was to nervous to think about cutting.

******(time pass)******

We got to Smile Dentistry and I was really scared. I couldn't handle it. The dentist got me in right away.

"Demi? Will you come with me?" I said

"Of course baby girl. Your strong." She said

We went down a long hallway to a small room with a chair and all sorts of wired pointy tools.

"Please sit down Miss. Lovato. My name is Dr. Jeff and I will be cleaning your mouth today." He said in a weird kind of tone."

He lowered the chair and I could feel tears in my eyes.

"Demi!" I yelled

"It's ok baby girl. There just going to clean your mouth. There Not going to hurt you." She said

"Ok Lizzy. Please open your mouth. We are just going to get all the gunk off your teeth."

Dr. Jeff almost yelled.

I slowly opened my mouth and Demi held my hand. It hurt a lot. They then took x-rays and brushed my teeth. At one part I couldn't handle it and started crying. The pain was to much.

"It's ok baby girl. You're ok. Your doing great!" Demi said in a kind tone.

It calmed me down right away. After about 45 minutes we were done. They even gave me a goody bag.

"Demi! My mouth hurts!" I complained.

"You did awesome!" She said "now the dentist did say you need braces but we will talk about that later. Now off to the doctor appt.! She said


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